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Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Friday, November 22, 2024

Some info on Lake Tomahawk

 The Lakeview Center for Active Aging was housed in this building, which was flooded during the 2 storms on 9.25-27, 2024 (ending with Hurricane Helene). There has been no lunch program with Council on Aging, nor any of the recreational activities by Black Mountain Recreation. That's a lot of seniors doing nothing, surviving I hope, and waiting. This was the set-up for the Thanksgiving Lunch Pot Luck in 2018.

During Hurricane Helene,the Lake Tomahawk dam held with the spillway working well, however there was water over the dam also. (sorry, these photos have been used before.)

During Hurricane Helene (following 2 days straight of rain).

The Lakeview Center taken from the old gazebo. You can see that it's downstairs is just a couple of feet above normal water level.

A Facebook message from Melinda Pilotes, the director of senior programming, dated Oct. 7, 2024:

The good news is that the upper floor at Lakeview Center is mostly unscathed with only a few leaks in the ceiling. The downstairs, however, is mostly a total loss due to flooding. The water line was at 5' inside. At this time we have been unable to access the downstairs at any length. There is a lot of work to do before we will know whether there are electrical problems downstairs that will prevent us from turning the power on to the building. Whether we are able to use the upstairs while the downstairs undergoes complete restoration is also too early to be determined. Please know we are working on getting everyone back together as soon as possible both for the meal site program and all our other classes and games. We will also keep you posted with any important updates as we progress.

But the good news is that people can walk around Lake Tomahawk again!


And this old senior hobbled her way around Sunday, a sunny day at the lake (which unfortunately won't happen, sunny I mean, again for a while.)

Somebody has shoveled out the mud and then pressure washed this picnic shelter. Look above at the flood version where only the roof was above water. I guess since most of it is concrete block, it didn't harbor mold after the water receded.

The tennis courts also have been cleared, as well as part of the path scraped down a bit.

It's still covered with the dried mud though. But the new gazebo in the distance looks fine.

 Mallards of the lake don't seem to mind.

Though the sturdy bridge is in place, the path leading up to it hasn't been cleared, and it means some muddy choices of steps even on a sunny day. I wonder why this area wasn't shoveled out as well as others.

Of course many four footed friends go for walks here.

Up above the lake's parking lot I saw this team has parked, and will probably be back at work on the weekdays.


PS If you read this after 8:30 am Friday, I'm adding the news that we had our first snow!

Today's quote:

Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is the true prosperity.



  1. It is a shame the center's ground floor had so much flood damage.
    The quote is great, I guess it is a good idea to be grateful for what we have, keep a positive outlook. Take care, Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.

    1. It really doesn't look that bad outside either. But I've seen how mold grows within the walls, so the insulation has to be removed, as well as interior wall finishings. Thanks for good wishes, and reminding me to be grateful...tis the season!

  2. Ingo´s apartment flooded twice, I know the "smell" of flooding, the damage. Let us hope electricity is safe in that house and you all can come back and enjoy times together!

    1. There are lots of us wishing the same, thanks for yours as well.

  3. Seeing that picnic shelter so flooded with just the roof above the water is still almost a shock. So much work to be done.

    1. It's strange to stand somewhere and look up to where the water was swirling at that waterline, just a few weeks ago. Then left all that mud.

  4. Replies
    1. And a bit of grace is that snow is covering it all this morning. It always makes everything look pristine.

  5. Let's hope they can use the upstairs floor soon

    1. They are hoping to do that, but it will depend on it being structurally sound of course. And the electrical system...

  6. So much mud left behind. I remember that when my daughter's home got flooded.

    1. Just driving through a nearby area where parking lots were covered with mud, now with lots of dust in the air, I was not prepared for that reminder of what water carries along with it.

  7. Thank you for showing us the aftermath you know we are pulling for you, especially the seniors. Aloha

    1. Thanks for your wishes, and that the seniors can soon get something available for their fun times.

  8. Hi Barbara, Quite a mess in your area. We were lucky over here in our part of Tennessee. Not so lucky 70 miles or so north of us. Snow! My wife would be happy if she never saw snow again... We haven't even had a frost here in Loudon County TN at this point. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Yes, the interstate was damaged north of you, and only has 2 lanes of traffic now. I can imagine that slows down the flow of traffic. We haven't had much snow for the last few years, so it was a surprise to have an inch here, which now has mostly melted away.

  9. That's quite a big project getting things back in place and functioning. Hopefully the upstairs will be ok electrically and everyone can at least gather again while the work continues downstairs. Take care!

    1. I imagine this is a project of the town, and they may still be focused on helping families or structures that were also damaged. Recreation doesn't get top billing when it's freezing outside.

  10. So sad about the senior center. So many look forward to these services. And the mud! Will it ever be just a memory? At least the snow makes everything look clean again. Its very pretty.


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