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Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

A trip to the big(ger)city

 No I didn't even go near the Asheville Mall. Lowes has set up a distribution point in the parking lot since its building was flooded at the southern end of the street.

This is the street which usually has lots of cars all wanting to go shopping.

Blockades stop cars from going further on Tunnel Rd. at the southern, down hill end.

Remember the flood came over many of the buildings at the bottom of the hill, as well as wiped out the bridge going to more major shopping centers.

So I parked at Whole Foods and availed myself of their sales on various produce (actually a dollar lower than my local grocery). I was disappointed to hear they aren't making their traditional delicious Thanksgiving "Scarlet Pies" which had apples, pears and cranberries and I think pecans as well. I've missed them for the last few Thanksgivings. Perhaps this year is a flood related decision. The clerk in the bakery seemed surprised I wanted one, and tried to convince me to get something else. I did enjoy my chicken salad wrap from the deli case, but the salad and hot bar were really sparse.

Part of the reason I like to go to that store is the wonderful Christmas Trees outside.

Nothing on that tag told me a price.

I don't do a tree in my tiny apartment.

There sure were oodles of them!

And my indulgence wasn't a tree, nor a pruned rosemary into a tree shape...but some posies for my own enjoyment...they last better than a piece of pie!

I had only spotted two roses when I purchased the bunch, but found I had 6 when I started cutting the stems back! A real deal! But of course these roses has already expired, and didn't open for me so I sadly trashed them after they bent their little heads down.

Those dark mums are the darkest red I've ever seen.

Today's quote:

Hatred cannot help but be transformed in the presence of love.


  1. Pretty flowers! I have not had a real live Christmas tree in years.
    Take care, Happy Sunday, have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. I just miss that nice pine smell when we did have a real tree!

  2. Oh, snow, too?! And so much!
    Sad you couldn´t get your pie...
    We only once had a Christmas-tree I found on the street :-)
    Oh, you got beautiful flowers, have a nice Sunday.

    1. Flowers do take one's focus away from the drab and mundane!

  3. ...your blue skies are the bright spot in all of this.

  4. Sorry about the pie. The flowers are a bright spot, though.

    1. I compensated by purchasing (Not at Whole Foods) a favorite pie that had a greatly reduced price...Dutch Apple frozen to be baked by myself, then shared maybe with friends.

  5. That was quite a flood! We haven't had a Christmas tree in years. We have fond memories of them, but now I'm glad to avoid the work. Enjoy your pie!

  6. A noble fir is my choice of tree. We did have pine trees growing up in the high desert of Terrible 'Land and they were more fragrant. This year i will take what ever is on offer that looks freshly cut.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.