Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Lake Tomahawk being drained...lots of rain coming perhaps.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Alternative building techniques from New Mexico - One

 A repost because I wanted to share this "off the grid" kind of construction again.

This was the Earth Ship headquarters, and having slept in one at a B&B for 2 nights, we had a free tour. For more information visit this link https://www.earthshipglobal.com  I'll share our B&B in a few weeks.

Much of the space is take up with gardening inside of the floor to ceiling south-facing windows. we were quite interested in them, as my daughter-in-law is involved in earth-friendly-agriculture.

Tai and Kendra are interested in some of the environmentally friendly aspects of Earth Ships...not that they plan to live in one. They were thinking of building a home at that time, but have since moved into one that just needed a bit of fixing-up.

The concepts, engineering, and innovations are amazing.

A plant which is regenerating itself.

This fig plant didn't have figs...but wait till the tour!

but this bouganvilla had flowers. I was glad to see beauty was planted as well as veggies.

High above were trays in a sunny site for food to be dehydrated.

The use of bottles and cans as spacers in concrete walls gives another use of beauty while 
decreasing the use of the concrete and it stays strong. There will be much more evidence of this technique on next week's post on the tour.

Today's quote:
If you feel abandoned or cut off from Spirit, know that it is always there for you waiting for you to plug back in.


  1. The earth ship is cool, I love the garden and all the beautiful plants.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen. Lots of plants I didn't know the names of...

  2. Replies
    1. Kind of something to adapt if ever I'm building a concrete wall, or have a south facing window. Well I do, but there are many trees outside so no growing of food for me.

  3. ...I've been intrigued by Earth Ship construction for many years!

    1. There will be three more posts about this visit. Permaculture is another great idea many of my friends are learning.

  4. Very interesting concepts! I look forward to see more here.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.