Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Lake Tomahawk being drained...lots of rain coming perhaps.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Some critters for Saturday


Edouard Leon Louis Warschawsky (Edy. 1892- 1970). Le Chat et La Lune.1917.

Ryszard Kaja, Poland


Yes, a mule train took supplies and first responders up into the mountains where vehicles could not go following Hurricane Helene.

Sharing with Eileen's Saturday Critters


 News from my home county:

Nearly half of Buncombe County residents, or 94,000 people, have already voted early according to Director of Buncombe County Election Services Corinne Duncan. Early voting ends on Saturday, November 2, 2024

More from Buncombe County some of the results of Hurricane Helene:

Sign from the Flowering Bridge at Lake Lure lies on the ground.

The old bridge survived, but the gardens were washed away by the flood and the debris.
Here's a post about the Flowering bridge from a few years ago.

Life will not be stopped by a flood. Here are flowers coming out of the mud.

Another flower from a plant that was underwater for a while.

Today's quote:
Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.
 -Stephen King, novelist (b. 21 Sep 1947)


  1. Oh, the market is sadly closed since 17 minutes!
    Very sad sign on the ground there... hope for work on Monday...

    1. Sending good wishes your way as work comes to you! So you might have wanted herbs or the dragon?

  2. I am sure the Flowering Bridge will be rebuilt. It was so loved. The flowers still blooming despite flood and mud are such a hopeful sign.

    1. It had so much love and whimsey in it, yes, those people will bring it back, after they have safe housing and roads around there.

  3. ...the plants show resilience!

    1. Some simple plants can live through almost anything.

  4. Hello, Barb
    Wonderful photos. My favorite is the donkeys packed with supplies. I love the cute dog, the giraffes and the penguin images. It is nice to see the flowers coming up out of the mud, I would think it is a good sign. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Those mule trains helped a lot of people who otherwise would have waited for someone to either hike up or maybe drop supplies from a helicopter!

  5. Holding you folks in my prayers!

    1. Thanks. I'm so grateful for all the help that has been offered.

  6. Penguins are fun to see, they remind me of little kids running and playing. Flowers are strong and still popping up in the mud. I love the dog painting, he's a long one. :)

    1. I definitely did a double-take when I saw it, smiled and captured it for use here with other critters.

  7. Lovely takes for the theme! Specially the giraffes!


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