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Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Art in Bloom Garden Tour House No. Three

 Just across the street from the former (No. Two) house was the No. Three home. Up a steep hill we climbed to the back garden, and it was worth it!

Wonderful stone work throughout

From the top of the drive

Great to have labels on a lot of plants, but not all! We kept commenting how there were no weeds! (I imagine a landscaping crew on their knees plucking weeds out)

My friend Helen talked with the artist...

Bill said he was taking photos to hopefully publish in a newspaper (unnamed)

The photographer, Bill, said he'd take our photo on my camera...so I said sure...but we didn't even know the lady in the hat...no problem. He started taking them before we posed, and I think that was best.

On to the next area, in an older part of Black Mountain. Sharing with Living in Black Mountain.

And check out the Gallery Exhibit of the Floral art for this fund raiser at my blog about art:


  1. ...what a fabulous stop on the tour.

    1. This was a most enjoyable tour of breathtaking flowers with lots of stone walls.

  2. The gardens look beautiful, love all the flowers. Cute shots of you and your friends. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks, I do love flowers and this was a most enjoyable opportunity to see some.

  3. Certainly making the most of a small space. The stone wall and other backdrops show the flowers off nicely.

    1. They do make a good contrast, the heavy solid stones and the delicate changing flowers.

  4. The gardens and homes there are so lovely. What a nice day you had there.

    1. It was really the most fun, seeing how each garden was so different!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. OK, that is fun!
    I quite like the stone work.

  7. I love garden tours!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  8. Beautiful pictures. That stone work really caught my eye but there are a nice assortment of blossoms as well.

  9. Thanks for sharing your garden tour. I can't imagine a garden with no weeds. I can't seem to keep up with pulling weeds in this heat we are having in western Kentucky.


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