Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Art by Josephine Wall

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Happy day wishes to you all!


There were two yellow four-o'clocks which volunteered from seeds this year, in with the marigolds. The four-o'clocks are sending their big seeds out to the world right now. Wonder if they'll only be yellow ones...

I've moved my little table which has a folded shower curtain on it to hopefully keep it dry...now there's a violet on it. My little planters with various succulents haven't been doing very well.

They don't get full sun but just indirect light outside this time of year. I'll bring them in for window sills as soon as frost is forecast...maybe in 2 months if I'm lucky like last year!

Today's quote:

The answer to control is practicing surrender.


  1. Hello,

    Your plants and flower are pretty. It seems like the nights and early morning are already chilly. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. When it's not raining I like sleeping with my window open a bit. It gets too chilly if it's open all the way! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    2. Hi Eieen...thank for stopping by and commenting! Have a great weekend.

  2. ...one happy day after another should be everyone's plan.

    1. Even on rainy days. Well, just late in the afternoon or evening, when we get rain usually in summertime.

  3. Beautiful flowers and Happy Day wishes to you too!

  4. Happy day to you also, if I'm not too late in the day.

    1. I saw your comment earlier, but usually wait till early evening (it's 3:30 pm now) to answer everyone. Sometimes comments still come in later than this. Hope you had a good day, since England is 5 hours ahead of us here in eastern US.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Bill...spreading a little joy never hurt anyone!

  6. You do have an impressive container garden.

    1. I love coming home to see it. It's greeting me, and anyone else who goes by.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.