Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Monday, September 23, 2019

As I pack, I also love my home. I also need to unpack, because the kitchen sink just won't fit.

I'm driving with a friend to New Mexico for the next few days (1500 miles.)  And then to see my son in Colorado.  What a great adventure. But I'm also anxious.  I have this need to be in control, and I won't be. I am thus facing one of my all time personality quirks...you might say, to be a co-driver, to not be in charge of anything.  Oh my.  It's another f-ing growth opportunity! At my tender age too!

But I am always up for an adventure. And this one has most of it planned, but with some delightful unplanned times.

So hasta a vista, mi amigos y amigas!

Quote for today:
One must view the world through the eye in one’s heart rather than just trust the eyes in one’s head.
Mary Crow Dog


  1. ...a title? That easy, 'beautiful.'

    1. Thanks! I love the sunset...miss most of the sunrises.

  2. Have a wonderful journey. It's going to be a beautiful trip. I am looking forward to your photos!

    1. Thanks Robin...so far (day one finished) it has been beautiful...though not without challenges!

  3. Traveling Mercies as Anne Lamotte would say. Such wonderful places to visit and see with the eyes of your heart.

    1. Thanks...so glad to have that blessing. We have certainly been seeing with the eyes of our hearts so far! (Day one completed)

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There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.