Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Physical Therapy

 Oh, my aching back!

Now I've got exercises to do to help it.

And soon will go back to get more!

Black Mountain Physical Therapy has changed to Phoenix PT. And someone else now has the Black Mountain PT name.  But this is where my favorite therapist works, Cliff Shulman.

I got there early and filled out all the forms. It's hard for me to write these days. Barely finished them in time. I like the simple waiting room.


  1. Good how a big plant can help a room's atmosphere - in every way.

  2. Hello,
    Sorry to hear about your back pain, I hope the therapy helps you.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks, I'm so glad to get treatment which I'm pretty sure will help. Have a great afternoon/evening!

  3. Hope it helps. PTs can work wonders.

    1. I'm being good and doing the exercises twice a day. I can feel those muscles working too!

  4. Hope that physical therapy works. I went to see a PT a few years ago for back pain, and I still do my stretching exercises everyday. It really does help. Take care there.

    1. Thanks. I'm pretty sure I will benefit from this. Today when I did laundry, just bending forward to pull laundry out of the machines made my back cringe. I want to be able to do that without pain!

  5. I hope it works. I've had some therapies that did and some that didn't.

    1. I have great faith in Cliff. He looked at me standing there, then walking, and said he could see the different way I was tighter on my right side, all up and down.

  6. Good luck with the therapy, hope it helps.

  7. I've never had that. I wondered early on with the leg after my recent fall, but it seems to be mending.

    1. I am glad to work on what hurts, and to strengthen muscles that have become weak.


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