Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Fall in the Rockies

I was to meet my ride home in Oorah CO (say You-ray) up in the mountains on Sunday, Oct 6, 2019.  So we had a wonderful drive through the passes from Cortez up to Oorah (and Tai and Kendra went around Telluride after I left them.)

Aspen trees showed golden colors.


  1. I've never been to Ouray,(that's pronounced Oo-ray) LOLOL :) although we have lived in Colorado this time around for 29 years. It looks like it's very scenic, much like the rest of the mountainous parts of the state. Yes! Fall in the Rockies - mostly yellows, not those wonderful colors that you get back east! Glad you enjoyed it...

    1. Well I just found out that you can also pronounce it U-Ray... What do I know... LOLOLOL

    2. That's what the folks who lived there said. I had to stop and think several times and probably goofed a lot. Yes, all gold and deep green with the leaves and evergreens...beautiful mountains.

  2. ...the Aspens sure put on a wonderful show.

    1. I enjoyed it, and didn't realize till later that I missed the reds and oranges.

  3. A very scenic drive, the foliage is gorgeous.

    1. It was so beautiful...and I only was there a few hours.

  4. The gold of the aspens is stunning. Soon they will shed all their leaves of course and get ready to survive the winter, but they will green up again in spring as they have always done. We can only hope that we will be here to see it.

    1. Yes, and I won't be in the Rockies in the spring...but here in the Appalachians.

  5. Ah, so pretty! Makes me want to go there.


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