I think this one I've read before, but quite a while ago. And with my memory lapses, only some of it seems familiar.
I am grateful that I don't have to go to the library each week and lug home (and return) heavy armloads of books. I read when I get tired these days (often afternoons or evenings) and when I find nothing entertaining on TV. And my books now are electronic through the library on-line.
But the King books were triggered by a memory of one of her (I think) novels which covered the problems of an Asian family in San Francisco with flashbacks to the earthquake. I may have the wrong author, in which case, I'll be reading a lot of other novels before I find the one I'm thinking of. Something about burying a treasure in the garden...
I forgot to mention that many of her novels (murder mysteries) have Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell as the primary characters. Her version of Sherlock Holmes is most enjoyable.