Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The view out my window Oct. 30, 2024. They all fall down...autumn leaves decided last night it was time to let go!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Retreating into fiction

 While the real world has been full of the party politics choosing a Supreme Court Justice, I retreated into fiction some of the time...a kind of balancing act, I suppose.  And I tend to read one author until I'm tired of that person's plots/characterizations.  So Laurie R. King appeared for me again last week.

 I think this one I've read before, but quite a while ago.  And with my memory lapses, only some of it seems familiar.

I am grateful that I don't have to go to the library each week and lug home (and return) heavy armloads of books.  I read when I get tired these days (often afternoons or evenings) and when I find nothing entertaining on TV. And my books now are electronic through the library on-line.

But the King books were triggered by a memory of one of her (I think) novels which covered the problems of an Asian family in San Francisco with flashbacks to the earthquake.  I may have the wrong author, in which case, I'll be reading a lot of other novels before I find the one I'm thinking of. Something about burying a treasure in the garden...

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention that many of her novels (murder mysteries) have Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell as the primary characters. Her version of Sherlock Holmes is most enjoyable.


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