Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Lake Tomahawk being drained...lots of rain coming perhaps.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Feeling sad

It's not every day..two illustrious people died within days of each other, both in the entertainment industry.  I imagine they have met and have put their feet up someplace, and are looking out at some vistas and relaxing, sharing some stories.  If not that...then I know that their energies will live on through the many wonderful memories they left with us. 

Actress, Oscar Nominee, Tony Award winner and Kennedy Center Award recipient Lauren Bacall passed away at the age of 89 yesterday. Her career spanned five decades of prominent stage and film roles.

And this just after the day that Robin Williams committed suicide.

When Christopher Reeve was in the hospital, awaiting a back surgery that had a fifty/fifty chance of killing him, a man burst into his room. He was wearing surgical scrubs, talking in a Russian accent, and said he was there to give a rectal exam. It was Robin Williams; the two men had been roommates together at Juilliard. Later Reeve said of his life-long friend:

“For the first time since the accident, I laughed. My old friend had helped me know that somehow I was going to be okay.”

That's sort of what Robin Williams did for all of us.  Source:
Badass Digest

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