d. 7.11.1956 Corpus Christi, Nueces, TX (Hitchcock Texas may be where she's buried). The two birthplaces are because Huntsville is given on her death certificate. But it also has her father's initials penciled in "incorrectly." Her father was William Sandford Rogers...not M.T. Rogers.
My grandfather's sister. I wonder if I met her when I was little?
I doubt it.
But it's always possible. Mmm, think back to when I was 7. Were there some Wilsons we visited? Or did they visit my grandparents? Maybe part of my grandfather's 72th birthday. Well, I'll post pics of that event, and hope one of the people in the crowd might have been his sister.

August 28, 1949 My grandfather, George Elmore Rogers.
I just had a go-round with Ancestry, where dear Aunt Annie Lou's husband is listed twice and they won't allow me to merge the listings, saying they are related and it will shift things in my tree. Darn right, the daughter is listed under one of Patrick Henry Wilson's postings, and there are 3 other children listed under the other husband also Patrick Henry Wilson, and all kids have the same pair of parents. ARGH.
Anyway, I'm going to send this out there to hope someday I'll get Ancestry straightened out. Nah
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