Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Various photos this week

 The jar on the window sill was made by my son Tai. And the vase was made by my friend Cathy Babula.  Unfortunately she's not making this style design any more. I'm glad to have a couple of pieces of it.

The dentist didn't have to drill a thing, she just gave me a triple dose of Novocain and then she poked the gums around the tooth to the point where she could just gently pull it right out. Of course now my gums are healing. I like this big plant in the corner.

A while back someone asked me if I'd made this pitcher, which was being a vase at the time. So here it is, yes, I made it.

Today's quote:

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?

-Fanny Brice, entertainer (29 Oct 1891-1951)

This quote reminds me of when social media first came out. People suddenly had emails and dating sites...and could put whatever they wished as their biographies. A friend told me she had posted herself as much more desirable, so she could get dates. I thought (but didn't say) aren't they likely to do the same thing? Then who will you really end up meeting?

I don't think that's changed much at all!


  1. Both the vase and pitcher are pretty. Love the flowers. I hope your gums are healing. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks Eileen. Healing takes time at my age. Something I have to get used to.

  2. ...I have always enjoyed functional ceramics that are things of beauty.

    1. Me too, though un-functional beautiful ceramics also catch my eye!

  3. Ouch - a tooth out! You did make a lovely pitcher.

    1. Thanks. I need to try using it as a pitcher one of these days!

  4. You, your sin, and friends are quite the potters.

    1. Ha ha, I figured out you had a typo, meaning son, not sin! For a moment I thought an evangelist had caught me out! I do like supporting other potters!

  5. I love all the ceramic art you have there. All very beautiful. Hope the healing goes well (now I'm worried about getting my tooth pulled!).

    1. I have sinus issues a lot, as well as the lungs so I use a C-Pap at night, and a nebulizer twice a day, inhaling a couple of meds to help clear out mucous. I think that has contributed to having this long healing time. Yesterday I didn't need any Tylenol all day, which was a relief. The day before I used ice packs as dentist recommended, 15 min. at a time. It helped. I also like drinking hot beverages. I had such anxiety before the tooth was pulled, I canceled the appointment once. But it did need to be taken out. So now it's done. I hope you have a positive experience!

  6. That's a beautiful pitcher. I always enjoy seeing what people create with their hands.

    1. Thanks Bill. For some strange reason, your comments aren't being published, but held for me to decide that they aren't spam. I've never indicated that they were spam, so I don't know why this is happening. I'll go find your comments and ok their being included anytime!

  7. Lovely pottery! I hope you heal quickly.

    1. Thanks Linda. I have a housefull of it, pottery!

  8. I like hand made pottery! These are great.


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