Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, May 31, 2019

Doing Laundry (from Swannanoa Valley Museum)

Great blown-up photos of the past...all over the displays at the History Museum in Black Mountain NC.

Wonderful hand-sewn children's clothes hanging with clothes pegs.

Some of the great "antique" machines for getting the family's clothing clean.

My mom had a great washing machine, on the breezeway with one of those hand cranked wringers. (Her's was electric in 1945 for agitating the clothes, but she had to do final wring by the wringer with a handle.) She admonished me to not ever put my fingers in the crack of the rubber pressers. So of course when she wasn't looking I did, and cried loudly. When will I ever learn!

Sharing this at Sepia Saturday this week...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

My front porch

A few days ago (blog here.)I shared the workings on my little garden in flower pots.  But I did mention it lacked many blooming plants. I don't know why that happened. But I asked Cathy to drive with me over the pass to Old Fort, where we trucked around our noisy (they all are) shopping cart at Painter's Nursery. And a few dollars brought home some items that had been on sale for me to brighten up the porch!  Whoopee.  Of course having days in the high 80s meant I had to get up early to beat the heat. Fellow blogger, Vicki Lane knows about that.

Anyway, the next day I was up early and out working on repotting the little new blooming guys into my old pots from last year...in new dirt too!

 St. John's Wort...will have to look it up!

 Little fairy person a gift from friend Rosie

 2 kinds of marigolds, in 2 pots.

There's a chipmunk living close here, perhaps that hole in the ground near the porch? He scoots very fast each morning, and usually I just catch a glimpse in the corner of my eye.  He didn't want to talk to me at all!
 The hanging geranium has lots of buds...so next week it should be really pretty!

And who knows what this place will look like after they pressure wash the buildings next week! We have to bring all these plants inside! Oh boy!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Which 3 things are you actively working for?

A dear friend, Byron Ballard, has talked for years about the crisis that we are living through these days...she calls it Tower Time after the Tarot card of The Tower.  It depicts a storm, lightening, a tower falling into the sea, people panicking, and people watching it happen. Yes, these are the times we were made for.

But we can't stand up for all the wrongs in the world.  She suggests (wisely) that we pick 3 things that really matter to us, and then put our actions into those 3 things. That gives us a possibility of fighting, and making a difference where we want to, and surviving to fight another day.

Women's rights?
Voting rights?
Race relations?
Hunger in the world?
Immigrant rights?
Affordable housing?
Domestic abuse survival?
Politicians we don't agree with?
Politicians we do agree with?
Environmental issues (list could continue to infinity here)
Clean water.
Floods, forest fires?
Veterans problems?
Home safety?
Health issues?
Medical care availability?
Drug costs?
Mental Health issues?
Organic food?
Air quality issues?
Children's rights?
Free speech?
Gun control?
2nd Amendment rights?
School shootings?
Electoral college issues?
Abortion issues?
College loans issues?
Opioid crisis?
Addiction treatments?
Advertising infringement on privacy?
Animal rights?

Well, I only thought for a few minutes. I'm sure you can add a few more dozen issues that demand someone help them be resolved.  I intentionally left off world peace, which is one of my lifetime values.

Which are the 3 I'm actively working on? You probably guessed if you've read my bog very long.  Actually it's rather hard these days to focus on just 3, as you may feel as well.

Today's Quote:
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Roger Martin Heym, my son

Every mother can say this kind of thing, because every mother is proud of her children (mostly.) But I feel as happy as a marshmallow melting with chocolate between a couple of graham crackers...call me S'mores!

This is updated for Marty's 55th birthday! Big change in his life for this year...
On April 22, 2019, Marty and Barbara Baker got married!

Here Marty and Barb are opening my present to them, a vase with 2 infinity symbols on it.

The wedding ceremony at The Ringside Cafe, officated by Michael Roaddancer, wearing a kilt.

But let's go back a bit, to the collection of photos I shared last year for Marty's birthday...

Roger Martin, my firstborn, came into the world on this day about 54 55 years ago.  What a long and wonderful time this has been.

 With George Rogers, in Houston TX around Nov-Dec 1964.  Grandfather was just 50. Marty around 6 mos.

Doug on left, is Marty's father.  Doug's parents are Norm Heym (center) then Marty about 2 years old, then Mary Hillyer Heym, on right.

Marty cuddles to his grandmother Mataley Rogers holding Marty's new little brother, Russ born Aug 1967

Marty with his Aunt Mary Miller, holding little brother Russ

 While Russ slides banister, Marty talks with cousin Lisa (blond with back to camera).  Aunt Mary is looking at something while her son Zach sits at her feet (wearing blue shirt). Again waiting to go into a restaurant for lunch...this time in San Jacinto, Texas.

That's one picture for each year! (and one to grow on!)

I hope this birthday is great for you, dear son...and that you have many more happy years!  I love you SO MUCH!