Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Which 3 things are you actively working for?

A dear friend, Byron Ballard, has talked for years about the crisis that we are living through these days...she calls it Tower Time after the Tarot card of The Tower.  It depicts a storm, lightening, a tower falling into the sea, people panicking, and people watching it happen. Yes, these are the times we were made for.

But we can't stand up for all the wrongs in the world.  She suggests (wisely) that we pick 3 things that really matter to us, and then put our actions into those 3 things. That gives us a possibility of fighting, and making a difference where we want to, and surviving to fight another day.

Women's rights?
Voting rights?
Race relations?
Hunger in the world?
Immigrant rights?
Affordable housing?
Domestic abuse survival?
Politicians we don't agree with?
Politicians we do agree with?
Environmental issues (list could continue to infinity here)
Clean water.
Floods, forest fires?
Veterans problems?
Home safety?
Health issues?
Medical care availability?
Drug costs?
Mental Health issues?
Organic food?
Air quality issues?
Children's rights?
Free speech?
Gun control?
2nd Amendment rights?
School shootings?
Electoral college issues?
Abortion issues?
College loans issues?
Opioid crisis?
Addiction treatments?
Advertising infringement on privacy?
Animal rights?

Well, I only thought for a few minutes. I'm sure you can add a few more dozen issues that demand someone help them be resolved.  I intentionally left off world peace, which is one of my lifetime values.

Which are the 3 I'm actively working on? You probably guessed if you've read my bog very long.  Actually it's rather hard these days to focus on just 3, as you may feel as well.

Today's Quote:
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.


  1. That's a great list. We are living in such challenging times. It's a good idea to focus on a few things that we can work to change.

  2. I always find world peace to be so vague. While I don't have a lot of time for activism at the moment, I am trying to bring up my children to have good values and be a part of the solution instead of the problem. And I always try to give a smile even when others are unkind.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.