Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, April 30, 2021

The scene at Ole's Guacamole


A strange antique at our favorite Mexican restaurant...but I was trying to catch the 2 doves by the far wheel of the buggy...who were happily preening and ignoring the patrons of the restaurant.

We wished we had been seated in the sun, as it was chilly over by the creek. Sometimes you make choices based on beauty vs. comfort. I went over and sat on that orange bench for a while to warm up. Mrs. Ole' does most of the decorating at the restaurant. There are lots of decorations featuring Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.

Flat Creek runs right by the patio seating of the restaurant, connected by a footbridge to a motel.

I used the pano setting for the header. But I kind of like when the creek comes by at a more realisting angle.

Todday's quote:

As we build bridges and even become bridges, we will be doing a service to the world.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

A bloom of a different color!


I love finding these beautiful irises. 

Today's Quote:

When in a quandary, the best advice often comes from inside rather than outside.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Spring has sprung!


A few weeks ago, these blossoms next to the tracks in Black Mountain, were bursting with new life.

And my second attempt to capture the "Pink Moon."

Perhaps the blind's reflection in the glass lets you know I was inside for this attempt, and actually woke up around 11 and tried again.

And a third attempt. This phone's camera is determined to do these long shutter openings...so they don't look as much like a night-time shot as I would like.

Today's quote:

Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose – a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Lake with water is worth walking around


Lake Tomahawk has water in it once again! No ducks or geese at this point. Maybe they've found new nesting sites.

A rather strange 3 second exposure on the phone of the Pink Moon...which is just the glow in the sky. I'm losing my views to the ever present leaves that are popping out all over. Perhaps in a few hours I might see it better where the leaves aren't as advanced.

Today's quote:

Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.


Monday, April 26, 2021

Redbud at the Library

These are the most vibrant Redbuds I have seen, helped by the dull coloration of the library building.

And another little beauty that popped up next to where my car parks...

Thanks to fellow blogger, who showed me Spanish Bluebells as opposed to English Bluebells HERE.  I think these are the Spanish Bluebells.

Today's quote:

Call out to the whole divine night for what you love. What you stand for. Earn your name. Be kind, and wild, and disciplined, and absolutely generous.


Sunday, April 25, 2021

A day of rest


That night there was a hard freeze. When I looked the next morning, someone had cut all these flowers. I'm glad she had them to enjoy inside, and thus saved them from freezing.

I'll be back soon.

Today's quote:

Be the most ethical, the most responsible, the most authentic you can be with every breath you take, because you are cutting a path into tomorrow that others will follow.


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Modern and traditional


A beautiful dogwood, and a couple more closer to the house which don't seem to have as many blossoms.

And another thing...

One of the local restaurants where I pick up a to-go dinner sometimes. They often have quite a crowd, and it's almost impossible for social distancing.

Today's quote:
Aborigines know they do not own the land but are a part of it and it is their duty to look after the earth.
Daily Om

Friday, April 23, 2021

The greening of the mountains

An attempt to show the greening of the mountains...one of the joys of driving around these mountains and seeing how the budding leaves start on lower slopes.

A beautifully landscaped yard which shows off spring colors very well.

A couple of older Redbud trees.

 Finally a nice healthy dogwood blooming. Not that many this year!

I recently read that when the tops of the mountains are green, there's no danger of frost and plants may be put out.

Today's quote:

It’s in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and active people becoming spiritual that the hope of humanity now rests.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Going to seed

 Happy Earth Day! May our Gaia continue to heal in order for life to continue!

This is my tomato nursery...where seeds that started sprouting in a tomato have now been planted!

A day later...

And after culling the many to assist the few...

A sister tomato is outside, also has sprouting  seeds...but I haven't cut it open...I decided to let nature take its course. These Mexico grown tomatoes are packaged in San Antonio, and say on the pack to not refrigerate them. Mmmm, I'm not sure I'll continue to purchase this kind, but they are delicious! Well, maybe I'll grow my own!

About where the stick is pointing toward the tomato is where a little shoot is pushing through the skin. I would guess the pointed highlight toward the bottom of this photo is another shoot about to burst through. Our weather has backed down a bit this week, so that should slow down these seeds.

I've added more dirt, to almost cover the tomato. Due for a couple of nights near freezing...so that means I'll probably put a sheet over the gardenia bush, or rather its remains. Something really hit it hard this winter, and half of it seems dead. Well, it was a good plant that lasted many years!

Note on Thursday...I poked some holes with a fork in the skin, thinking that might help the shoots to get through. We shall see. It was really cold this morning!

Today's quote:

The principle of cause and effect is the truth that allows us to better ourselves and the world around us.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Pink dogwood 2021


What with the disease that's killing the dogwoods, I was glad about half of this tree still bloomed this year....same tree that's been in the header for about a month!

Today's quote:

There is within each of us a modulation, an inner exaltation, which lifts us above the buffetings with which events assail us. Likewise, it lifts us above dependence upon the gifts of events for our joy.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Helping others as others help me out

The other day I offered a ride to a friend who's recently had knee surgery. It also gave me a chance to do a couple of errands of my own. Then, after she repaid me in coffee, I drove around the neighborhood a bit. I admit I should have gone right home, because when I finally did I was pretty exhausted. It takes many more days to recover from being sick for me now.

I had to pull over to see that there were actually people out on the Croquet Court playing, in nice white clothes no less, so they looked quite official!

This is the season that Lake Tomahawk has been drained. I don't know why, but it does stop it from having a season of new ducklings and goslings. I kind of liked seeing them following their parents around the lake. But I know they often were food for other critters unfortunately.

Again, the dogwoods are a bit sparse this season of high daytime temperatures.

I've been quite fortunate in having friends help me out as I recuperated from my mysterious (pneumonia or flu?) disease.

Today's quote:

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.


Monday, April 19, 2021

A wood working craft from Japan

The amazing things we can learn about through videos...

Today I share a YouTube of Tsugite, the Japanese method of joining with wood with no adhesives or screws. I wish it wasn't in a speeded up voice and motion, but one can pause to try to figure it out. There is now a program to teach one how to build these wonderful joints.

I admit to just having appreciation of this craft, and no urge to actually build with it.

Today's quote:

We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Being well, or just being


Lots of gear hanging around my poor ears! But I did go out a bit the other day! Whee!

You can see the maple to the left already has leaves and little seed pods...while the one right outside my window is slower to bloom.

These bright Kalancho flowers began to drop bits on the sill and floor, time to go outside...where the weather has been warm enough so far.

If you look closely at the center of this photo above the roof, there's a Eastern Towhee, or perhaps a Rufous Sided Towhee. I am not sure, because he doesn't show his white belly...nor does he have spots. But his rust colored breast does show.

An Eastern Towhee from the net.

Yes I'm feeling a bit better, after the long treatment for whatever illness I may have had. I'm very grateful! Yesterday was the last of the antibiotics. I actually did a load of laundry to celebrate! It's about time! But I was exhausted walking back and forth to the laundry room across the driveway 3 times. OK, time to just sit and breathe deep.

Today's quote:
Our actions shape our lives, but what we don't take action on can be just as powerful.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Shorn again, like a sheep?


The "Before" photo...brush and go style! I don't remember the exact date of my last cut. I know I had one in Aug. last year, and perhaps another one ...the memory escapes me. And I didn't keep it in my calendar either (I checked!)

And now "After"...with Joe having done his magic scissor work! Easy to continue a brush and go style, which these days usually means just going from one room to another. 

Today's quote;

This world with all its beauty and all its vibrancy is just so because it is not fixed, because everything is contingent.


Friday, April 16, 2021

Tree colors

A sunny view of a dogwood.

A bright bunch of fluttering white flowers denotes a dogwood off in the brambles by Blue Ridge Rd.

Maples that are just starting have those reddish things first, then they show the little green pinwheel seed helicopters...then real leaves. The red things and of course the helicopters fall first! What fun to park under them!


Same view on a cloudy evening.

The hot days have meant dogwood blooms have been fast and fallen as leaves take over.

The pale green tree near the far building is a dogwood.

Today's quote:

Like birds flying in a "V," when we feel the presence of others moving along side of us, there is little we cannot accomplish.