Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Spring has sprung!


A few weeks ago, these blossoms next to the tracks in Black Mountain, were bursting with new life.

And my second attempt to capture the "Pink Moon."

Perhaps the blind's reflection in the glass lets you know I was inside for this attempt, and actually woke up around 11 and tried again.

And a third attempt. This phone's camera is determined to do these long shutter openings...so they don't look as much like a night-time shot as I would like.

Today's quote:

Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose – a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.



  1. Yeah, the camera wants to see the world as a neutral 18% gray or whatever, so it will lighten dark scenes and darken bright scenes. There may or may not be an exposure control on your camera, by which you could force the camera to lower whatever it thinks the exposure should be.

    1. Thanks for explaining the problem. I will ask the various community helpers about it...I'm sure someone else has dealt with this before. iPhones just don't come with an instruction manual...and that reminds me, I do have one (on line) for my Nikon, which I need to put new batteries in. I saw the pretty moon again last night, and sighed. I'll let the real photographers take photos this month.

  2. Hello, Barbara
    The spring blossoms are looking beautiful. It is hard to see the moon here, there are too many trees in the way.
    Reflections of the blinds is noticeable. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. I need to go outside more...now that weather will be in 80s today. Just have to push myself to do something I haven't been doing for weeks!

  3. ...and what a wonderful time of year.

  4. What a beautiful world! I like the reflection of the blinds in the picture-the addition of the "rays" is interesting.

    1. I have a friend who would say the orbs that occur in photos are from beings visiting me...they are green in my two moon shots. Welcome to all beings, as long as they wish me well!

  5. I love the moon view through the blinds.

    1. It kind of reminds me of Escher's reflections of trees/leaves when looking into the water to see fish.

  6. Your new header photo is showing all the newest green leaves. Can't wait for that to happen here. we'll be lucky if it gets to 60 today.

    1. we had a cold spell up till yesterday, or maybe Monday...so I was trying to push it eating lunch outside, until it gets into 80s maybe today! Yay!

  7. Spring blossoms always feel far too early, risking the weather...
    Apparently the best way to photograph the moon is through a telescope, then you have the focussed image

  8. Beautiful to see those blossoms. we hardly ever get to see a moon due to clouds. I love your new header, it's a beauty!

  9. spring is a wonderful, blooming time of the year. :)
    Re our insects hotels, the entrances are on the sides and back. I will share images later on :)
    Take care!

  10. You got a much better shot of the moon than I did!

  11. Lovely blossoms! Sometimes I can get a better night photo by forcing the flash to go off. Not always though.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.