Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Lake with water is worth walking around


Lake Tomahawk has water in it once again! No ducks or geese at this point. Maybe they've found new nesting sites.

A rather strange 3 second exposure on the phone of the Pink Moon...which is just the glow in the sky. I'm losing my views to the ever present leaves that are popping out all over. Perhaps in a few hours I might see it better where the leaves aren't as advanced.

Today's quote:

Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.



  1. ...it's nice to see the construction complete.

    1. I didn't go find out what they were doing (improving?) this time.

  2. Hello,

    The lake is look beautiful, I am sure the ducks and geese will return! The trees blocked my view of the moon this morning. Have a happy day!

    1. yes, good old mountain water is clean and they will probably put fish in it again soon.

  3. Pink moon? That must have been neat to see.

    1. It was a nice full moon, and not pink of course!

  4. Our pond is devoid of fowl these days. They must be nesting i more obscure places.

    1. Oh my, I hope you see some baby fowl sometime soon.

  5. Since you, like me, may not often return to read replies to comments, this is mine. Speaking of the reflection: "that's a result of the wonky angle that I was shooting from. I am thinking of doing more photoshopping to align them." I now add, even if it is not what I saw. I did embiggen the moon a bit in that photo, but it is what I think I saw as opposed to what the camera saw. Finding the perfect location is quite problematic. One does what what can.

    1. You hit the nail on the head...I would maybe look at your reply to my comment on the next day when commenting on that post. Thanks so much for explaining what happened. Yes, I have also got limited places to take photos from...so I understand that problem. I do love embiggening, and can't wait till I can use it in conversation.

  6. Nice moonlight there. We got to see it rise here. It wasn't pink, but it was big!

    1. I've wondered about that name...it was pretty though.

  7. Replies
    1. I get that kind of feeling near almost all water.

  8. Barbara, They had to drain one of our nearby TVA lakes a couple of years ago to repair the dam. It looked otherworldly when it was mostly empty...a couple of bridges that were normally under water along with roadbeds and a couple of ruins. I'm glad that you have your lake back. Nice setting too! My wife took photos of the 'pink' super moon last night too. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Thanks for your info on draining a TVA lake. I've seen a few of them, and never the flooded villages or road that lie beneath them.

  9. I got a similar photo of the pink moon, except at night. There are too many trees around here!

    1. This was almost total darkness, but the long exposure captured what light there was...including making the moon glow just a big glow! I don't know how to turn off that feature.

  10. That's great to see the lake once again. Now you need to get the wildlife back.

  11. Absolutely, yes, walking aeound a lake is one of life's pleasures.

  12. Love today's proverb..yes and amen. Gorgeous lake and views.
    Coming here from Thankful Thursday.
    Good Stuff!!
    Sue of photowannabe


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