Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Skip if you don't want my healthreport


while stopped at red light coming into town.

Another beautiful burst of blossoms.

Healing slowly...the older I get the more a simple illness seems to take it out of me, and it's longer and harder coming back to where my body was a week ago. Not meaning to whine, just  to acknowledge that it is what it is.

Thurs. I had solid foods again, and my first cuppa coffee, after a sudden loss of appetite and fevers on Mon. By Thurs. I had a video conf. with with pulmonary Physician's Assistant. She wanted me checked for COVID (5th time)...so my friend drove me to Range Urgent Care to get one...I was so shaky and coughing that I couldn't drive.

Friday I woke up with left side pains and took a nitro. As it subsided I was able to get up and take temp, which was normal again. So I took a Tylenol and tried eating a lovely egg sandwich with sprouts on thin round bread. It tasted good. But later in the day I was tired and tried lying down, only to have terrible pains on whole left side of ribs. Called a couple of available physicians...and my pulmonary PA said take nitro and if it goes away then it's heart related, and go to ER. If it doesn't try ibuprofen. So I did, It didn't subside for a while, but when it did it was so nice. Do you know what I mean?

And then I had already taken the antibiotics and probiotics...for whatever it might be, but in afternoon I found out the COVID test was negative. Whew! I'd had some muscle related pain in my rib cage before, but not on just one side...a result of coughing hard. When I lie down the coughing often gets worse. I tried ibuprofen the next time it happened, and it went down within a half hour.

I celebrated by asking a friend to pick up some Thai food for me, and she did. I only ate a little. I am still dealing with stomach problems. It tasted so good.

I've had lots of time for meditation while my fingers were too shaky to type, though I texted a few friends which was the limit of my abilities.

Now it's Sat. morning, having had frost over everything last night. We've also had days with hard gusty winds, so most of the first blossoms are over. This is called dogwood winter, though they haven't bloomed yet. We still have blackberry winter coming. But tomorrow does promise to be warmer, and sunny for several days.

Hope you have a happy Easter!


  1. Scary--I'm glad you're feeling better now. (Old age sucks.)

  2. Hello,
    It is scary, feeling ill and not knowing why. I am glad your Covid test was negative. I hope you feel better soon, take care. Love the blossoms, Happy Easter!

  3. Well, since I am lame, I can no longer skip, so I read your report. :)

    You are really going through it. I hope you recover shortly from whatever it is. And tg for what it, apparently, isn't.

    After some frigid days with the robins unable to access the frozen bird bath, even the drink, it is finally beginning to heat up, with less wind too.

  4. Glad you are better! It's scary to have any illnesses these days, but especially for you with your medical history. Hope you have a healthy and happy weekend.

  5. So sorry you had those health issues t deal with. I'm glad that you are feeling better. Please take care there and stay safe and. healthy. Happy Easter to you!

  6. Dealing with new health issues is not nice. Glad you got some advice and it worked so hopefully you'll continue to improve. Take care and have a wonderful Easter.

  7. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this.
    I'll say it once again: Aging is not for the faint of heart.
    Toes crossed you are better soon.

  8. Healing takes more time as you get older...after 35 that is!
    Glad that your test was negative. One of the worst things about things not being right, is not knowing exactly what is the problem. Xx


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