Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Modern and traditional


A beautiful dogwood, and a couple more closer to the house which don't seem to have as many blossoms.

And another thing...

One of the local restaurants where I pick up a to-go dinner sometimes. They often have quite a crowd, and it's almost impossible for social distancing.

Today's quote:
Aborigines know they do not own the land but are a part of it and it is their duty to look after the earth.
Daily Om


  1. ...I am not ready to go to restaurants.

    1. I admit I got really tired (when sick) of left overs that I'd cooked, so would stop by and take home something from our local restaurants. Haven't eaten in one though since last year.

  2. Hello,
    We have been in one restaurant during an off time, the people were spaced out very well.
    I love the dogwood, we have some wild white dogwoods growing in the forest next to our place. Take care, have a great weekend!

    1. I love the white wild dogwoods in the woods. Have a great Sunday!

  3. I am not familiar with dogwood trees hereabouts, which doesn't necessarily mean that they don't exist. There are reddish bushes (the woody part) by the river that people have called dogwood, but they don't look at all the same.

    1. Keep an eye on them, maybe they will have some blossoms.

  4. We only rarely ate in restaurants pre-pandemic so haven't missed it.

    1. My social life did include a weekly meal shared with a friend, up till last March. I'm planning to meet 2 friends and eat out on a patio by a creek on Monday.

  5. We've only been to a restaurant once in the six years we've lived here on the north coast. But lately I've been really wanting to go out to eat so I don't have to think about what to make for dinner. Hah! Never going to happen, not in these times.

    1. I am ok with eating outside, if the weather is warm enough...and of course the tables are separated. I am looking forward to meeting some friends for lunch on Monday.

  6. We're not ones for going to restaurants, but not being allowed to made it something |I missed. Weird.


    1. Our local chamber of commerce asked the residents to support the local restaurants during Covid by buying a $21 meal each week, but I usually take home something that costs much less than that. I usually get two meals out of each one I bring home also.

  7. I've eaten a couple times inside at a restaurant but doubt that I'll do so again for a while. Our numbers are going up again, and I don't need the risk. It seems like pink dogwoods are blooming right now. My white one (a Korean variety) isn't even fully leafed out and far from blooming.

    1. The dogwoods I'm familiar with have blooms before the leaves come out...which is what makes them so beautiful.

  8. I haven't been to a restaurant in over a year. No plans to start now, don't feel safe.

    1. Good decision. You sure wouldn't want indigestion from not feeling safe. As I mentioned, I will take home a meal, and am looking forward to eating outside in good weather with friends who have also been vacinated.

  9. I have only done take out from restaurants since this all started.

    1. Yes, I think I had one or two meals inside, where tables were spaced pretty well...since March...last year. My preference is outside.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.