Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The emotional life when thinking of politics

I hate to watch national news...it's edited by corporations that own it, and they are partial to (i.e. give contributions and thus own) the powers that are "running our country."  I know that phrase is questionable, but their lack of action regarding gun control, for example, is a way of running the country.  Politics has always been dirty business.

Another !!! school shooting, May 7, 2019  Do you know how many children were killed or injured? Do you know how many children were traumatized? And their parents? This can not become a norm.

So for my sanity, I occasionally skip watching the news, and listen to a local PBS radio broadcast.  It includes more of what I'm interested in. Unfortunately, all those chilldren and their lives being impacted by those guns are still reported. I have 4 grandchildren still attending public schools.  My adult son works in one every day (in Colorado no less.)

I discovered a direct correlation between world events, political maneuverings, and my ability to sleep well.  Have you noticed that in your life?

"Look at this agonized little face, and feel his pain. He will never forget today. He survived a school shooting today in Colorado. The NRA, and it’s bought and paid for politicians own this." as posted on May 7, 2019 on Facebook.

So waking from a troubled sleep used to be a time I'd ponder what I'd eaten late in the evening, as Scrooge thought of a partially cooked potato as the source of his ghost visitations. Now I'm more inclined to consider the emotions that are piled upon my head.

I'm about to start a new practice to sooth my anger.  I'll listen to soothing music (streamed classical on the computer into some little adequate speakers) and do a bit of inspirational reading after completing the various end-of-day tasks.  I'll let you know if I sleep better.  That, and I may try a glass of milk.


  1. I was deeply moved by the latest shooting here in Colorado (the next town over from me) on May 7th... My heart breaks for those children who have been traumatized for life. I think it is good to be moved by the things that disturb us, to *feel* our feelings... There is quite a discussion going on here on our "NextDoor" network that has been quite productive. Parents are rising up to address the issue, and the consensus here is that it's not just about "gun control", but about Mental Health, or the lack thereof, and how to address that, without politicizing it. We're all tired of being manipulated by the politicians. We need to ask the deeper questions, and get to the *root* of the problem, like why are our teenagers so angry? And why aren't parent more engaged with their children? And why don't parents know that their child is troubled? These are important questions to ask and find the solutions for. Then maybe we can all find some sanity in a world gone mad...

  2. I'm sure there are many thoughtful people (especially in the mental health field) with some good ideas about the need for teens to feel better about themselves. After I got my counseling degree I worked in North Carolina mental health and schools with just that goal...though it was the Bush years and was focused on helping young people not turn to drugs by teaching them how to feel better about themselves. Same curriculums could be used again, now to deal with how to feel more connected to others and not shoot them. I am strongly for acceptance of any mental disease, as well as treatments. Thanks for doing what you're doing with your group!

  3. I have been losing sleep over the times we are living in as well. We never watch news, but we do see a lot of what is happening by being on our computers. I haven't figured out a way to sleep better. It's just such a sad time.

  4. I've had a bit of help sleeping by reading Rumi before going to sleep (or if I can't get back to sleep). These are the times we were born for.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.