Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, May 8, 2022

A last blast of Azaleas

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and all the caregivers of our children. Preschool workers are among the lowest paid people in the American culture. And they take care of our precious children! What a mixed up world we live in.

Though they're brilliant still, those 2 hanging off their stamens tell me these blooms will be on the ground very soon. The next day there were rain showers, which helped them along.

I was trying to catch one of the many bumble bees enjoying the pollen and nectar...

Having a phone call from my youngest for mother's day wishes. His last statement really floored me. He works with lots of high school students, mentoring many of them so they'll go on the college. We talked briefly about his summer schedule. Then he said how he tells his students that he remembers being raised by a single parent (me) and has no idea how I did it. I agreed, I had no idea either. Then we hung up and I cried. It was amazing to have such a loving son through all those trying years...and now he's being a mentor to many other people's children. He didn't want to father children himself, but is making a difference for them.

My kitchen window is above a pretty view, which only my neighbors can see as it's downhill.

I have no idea why these bushes were cut back so drastically. Maybe they'll grow again.

Today's quote:
“Reality is never and nowhere more accessible than in the immediate moment of one’s own life. It’s only there that it can be won or lost.”


  1. ...and ours are just beginning!

    1. Enjoy every moment...here they disappeared when I wasn't looking!

  2. Mine have not begun. I have high hopes! I wonder why they cut them. (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. The bushes are gorgeous. Photographing bees? Well I can’t do it.

    1. I thought you were the professional photographer...well, bees are maybe a special problem. On a similar topic dealing with bees, one of my granddogs like to chase them and bite at them. She's been stung once so far....dumb little gal!

  4. Beautiful azaleas! A wonderful burst of color on Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to you!

    1. Thanks Robin...happy mother's day to you too! I love seeing these bright colors, they remind me of bouganvilla in FL...where I don't think they have azaleas. What are the bright flowers where you live?

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you, too. What a kind son you raised. The azaleas are lovely. we noticed some blooming in town north of us. All that same color which must be a variety that can withstand the cold here.

    1. Thanks Marcia. That bright color does come out after a few earlier ones, and if the weather is agreeable, they usually last longer, but a few really hot days knocks them out. I hope you had a happy Mother's Day too!

  6. What a wonderful colour they are.

    1. I thought they were garish at one time, but now they are so welcome after the greys of winter!

  7. Beautiful azaleas. I need to plant some.


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