Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Taking a load off...

There are lots of photos of people in activities, but how many are there of people just taking it easy, or as my imagined relations would say, taking a load off...meaning off their feet of course.

1201 Woodlawn, San Antonio, 1937, James, Gummy almost hidden behind table (Ada Rogers) and my mother Mataley relaxing (before she married George.)

Gummy and Poppy on porch with my mother Mataley in the swing in 1942 before I was born. Poppy was always telling jokes or showing his prehensile toes. He could pick up a dime when barefoot.

The Sepia Saturday prompt...

Uncle Jimmy (James Rogers) taking a break. During WW II he was in the Navy, where he met his wife, also in the Navy!

My father, George Rogers, 11.16.1939 in Beeville, TX, after he married my mom.  I remember that rocker, which was a great joy as my father would frequently read me a story before bedtime.

Me camping in Cades Cove, Smoky Mountains National Park, 1991. I lived in Knoxville TN for a few years, and spent many weekend days hiking. Some vacations were camping.

Cardiac Rehab in summer of 2020. That's a heart monitor with all the wires.

And I just read over on FB that it's the 30th anniversary of The Last of The Mohicans movie, which had some scenes shot here nearby in Chimney Rock NC. Here's a link to the whole movie if you have 2 hours to watch it! (There's a gap of about 5 minutes while the video runs without any sound.)

Today's Quote:
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
 -George H. Lorimer, editor (6 Oct 1867-1937)


  1. ...your Uncle Jimmy looks like my Dad in his sailor suit.

    1. Such young men! Off to war. I cringe at the knowledge each one had a mother! May all the world be safe!

  2. Hello,
    Love the photos. Hubby and I used to love camping and hiking. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

    1. Your walks with the granddogs usually show you're out in the fresh air often.

  3. "Taking a load off" was common here when I was a lad, but I don't hear it so often now. Now you have to be reconnecting with the earth, centreing oneself and being mindful - picking up coins with your toes is probably not allowed.

    1. Ha ha, John...you said it all! Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Great pix all & good matches to the prompt. Your Dad sure had that favorite rocker back as far as it would go! Good thing there was a wall behind him! :)

    1. I think platform rockers just wouldn't tip over...something about that platform configuration. But my father sure took it to the limits.

  5. A happy selection of people just taking it easy - and enjoying themselves.

    1. It's also nice to just sit back and take time to do almost nothing. My dad did read the paper when he got home, while mother made dinner, every day. She had a full time job too!

  6. The porch and shoe photo is a winner.

    1. I am sorry to publish that again, but it is certainly a cute photo. Love my Poppy!

  7. I find the second photo most unusual! :)

    1. They were having so much fun, and I bet my dad was laughing too, while taking the photo!

  8. Neat to look back at those old photos of family. Those were some special toes. Did you inherit the trait?

    1. I don't think so...never tried on a dime. I can pick up my socks from the floor with my toes, but I think anyone can do that.

  9. That's fun seeing the old photos. My mental image is of my dad sitting reading his paper just like that!

  10. Quite a rocker.

    I love that movie. "Someday you and I are going to have a serious disagreement."

  11. I'm catching up from last weekend. You've certainly found a full house of easy chair folk.


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