Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Going into OZ

We received an invitation to lunch at Vicki Lane's, and Susan knew how to get to her house! So I got to be a passenger on the drive to Vicki Lane's home. I'd attended a reading and discussion of her latest book in Black Mountain a few weeks ago, and afterward we'd had lunch with our mutual friend Susan. It was a lovely ride up through Madison County, including seeing a deer on a steep slope above a creek (too fast to photograph of course.)

The first house we saw as we drove up the gravel road...there were at least 4, maybe 5 before we met Vicki at her barn, where she was in a four-wheel-drive vehicle. She said that was necessary to reach her house, and I agreed completely after we lurched up over many rain breaks across the road.

Finally we were at Vicki's home. I'd seen so many snaps of different parts of her farm and home, it was somewhat a dream to have them flow together into a reality in which I could walk. It felt like being in Oz. (But just to be clear, Vicki isn't anything like Dorothy...in my mind anyway!)

She showed us her azalea which has three colors of blooms on it, on the side of the path.

Susan was ahead of me on the path...

What happened to this photo? I love the gate with the moon, so I'm keeping it. If Vicki wants to share a version of it which is more proper, that's her choice!

Vicki made fresh Focaccia bread to go with a fabulous mixed salad. Her kitchen was reminiscent of everyone's grandma's...if they'd been good cooks at least.

It was great to see the "Castle People" and the cabinet where Vicki's granddaughter plays with them.  We even were able to see some new art by Vicki and Josie

I enjoyed her pretty orchids...still blooming while mine have all stopped for the season.

We had a wonderful view of mountains and valleys, as well as a blue feeder for birds right outside the window. A Rose-breasted Grosbeak visited there.  While we ate we enjoyed learning more about Vicki's life, and just having great relaxed conversation.

Vicki Lane

Susan Moore

Vicki Lane and Barbara Rogers 

Desert was served in "Calamityware" which causes chuckles for those who look closely at the designs!

Such a beautiful vista of mountains from Vicki's porch! She's a wonderful gracious hostess, and has a wealth of information about the area where she lives. It was like having lunch with any author, just think, like L. Frank Baum talking about OZ. Yep, we went into another world. I asked Vicki if they'd named their home...like lots of older mountain homes. Apparently someone gave them a sign that says "No Fun." That's just about the opposite of my experience!

And I'll finish this lengthy report of our lovely luncheon visit with the Foxglove, which I think she's also shared on her blog. And if you don't already look at her blogs,  here's a link to it!

This is a photo of her mystery novels which take place in a location much like her own home (and Asheville.) And her latest (below) is a historical novel, taking place in Shelton Laurel and Marshall NC.

Today's quote:
Embrace the light and let it guide you
beyond the winds of desire.

There you will find a spring and 
nourished by its sweet waters
like a tree you will bear fruit forever.


  1. Hello,
    Sounds like a great visit with your friends. She has a beautiful place, lovely flowers and views.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. It was a memorable visit! Hope you have a good Tuesday too!

  2. ...Vicki lives in a fairytale setting!

    1. It certainly seems that way, but the reality of jogging along in her 4-wheeler on her road kind of makes me remember how my bones were tossed a bit!

  3. It was a lovely visit from you all!

    1. So glad to have been able to come into your wonderful environment.

  4. What a beautiful home to visit and a wonderful journey to get there.

    1. Thanks - I do enjoy having the trip as well as the visit!

  5. How very neat to connect in person again with Vicki. I didn't realize her home was so remote.

    1. I know, and I was so grateful that Susan was familiar with the roads up to her long gravel road, then once we got to the barn, Vicki took over on her own "driveway".

  6. Replies
    1. I don't know how many acres actually belong to Vicki and her husband...and her son and his family live on the same gravel road as well. It's beautiful!


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