Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Rainy Saturday

  Yes, I know it's Thurs.  I'll linking up today!!!

I call these Japanese Dogwood. Maybe there's another name for them...

This apartment complex on Old US 70 is next to Dogwood Knoll apartments, which have native dogwoods in their entry. I didn't look to see if there were Pines at this complex.

I just walked from car to my apartment, while the skies continued to threaten rain. 

This was an unusual front coming from the south east rather than the south west...but rain was welcome. Glad it waited till after the Tailgate Market last Saturday morning. I met a couple of friends for lunch and we had to eat indoors because of rain...and found that it's so much noisier!

Part of Skywatch Friday - either last week, or maybe this week! But waiting till Friday comes in order to link means you have to miss it being posted there today. That's the head scratcher for today. Let's hope it's the only one!

Today's quote:

Alice Childress said, "Life is just a short walk from the cradle to the grave, and it sure behooves us to be kind to one another along the way."

Thanks to all the readers who contributed to a thoughtful discussion yesterday in comments!!


  1. ...check this out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornus_kousa

  2. Those skies look very much like the skies we had here for the past few days. The rain is good.

    1. Rain is definitely good, in small doses anyway!

  3. After several bright blue skies days we have clouds and threat of more rain after it rained last night. Those dogwoods are not being attacked liked the native dogwoods are.

    1. True too. These may survive while native dogwoods don't. The Wikipedia link said they're considered natrualized to New York already.

  4. The Kousa Japanese Dogwood is so beautiful with all its blooms. I wait in anticipation as we have a little longer to go before they will be blooming here. Your skies look like ours do today. A nice steady rain helps the flowers grow!

  5. You are so right. We had an early thunderstorm today, and clouds most of the restof the day, without an expected afternoon shower (yet anyway.) I'm still watering my porch plants, so I know they didn't get enough water from the flashy rain this morning.

  6. Funny how using trees in names add a little class. I love whispering pines. Great photos of some unusual weather.
    I activate the Skywatch Friday meme to start at 12:30 PM central time every Thursday. It's always been a blogger thing to name things a day in advance. It stays open until 12 PM the next Thursday. So just about any time you want to post just go ahead.

    1. Thanks so much for having Skywatch Friday...I've seen many beautiful photos over there, which is why I wanted to join up. So now I know when to add my URL to your list, and add your URL for the correct week! Easy peasy!

  7. Those Dogwood trees are pretty. I love your dramatic skies! I prefer to post on Thursday for Skywatch Friday. Yup, a head scratcher!

    1. Yes, and now I know about the timing also. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. Pretty scenes! Life is indeed short.

    1. I guess I'm trying to avoid being glum while also knowing my mortality is looking in my face as I approach 80.

  9. Replies
    1. I hadn't either until moving here. Maybe they began to be imported about 2007. But then most of these trees look around 10 years old, so maybe later.

  10. Very moody skies.

    We have had much needed rain in recent days.

  11. I love that Japanese Dogwood...I love regular dogwoods a lot. I have a pink one and now wish I had a white one, too.

  12. It has been raining in Chicagoland area and cooled off. Your skies look a lot like ours today.

  13. I lived in Georgia for many years and fell in love with dogwoods there! I even get to see one now and then here in New Zealand :)

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