Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, May 15, 2022

My flowers in springtime.

 Garden in pots on a porch...

Sharing with Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. First a couple of views of my front porch.

These hanging pots block the view to the garbage bins, sort of.

Below are a couple of views from my tiny balcony. It just gives me room to put some pots on the railing where the downstairs neighbor doesn't walk. They kind of frown on having anything on the railing where something might get knocked over and fall on their head!

I've hung some pots so I don't have to look inside my neighbor's houses if they have their doors open whenever I also do. Springtime invites us to see all the wonderful greenery.

Along our walk are also some peonies about to bloom, but the first one, which I propped up, has been broken off and taken home by someone who loves them.  I hope the rest of the blooms will be left for all of us to enjoy.

And then there are the "Knock-off" roses. Nobody pruned them last winter, so they've become huge. I'll share them soon!

Today's quote:

We read books to find out who we are. 

-Ursula K. Le Guin, author (21 Oct 1929-2018)


  1. Looks great. Enjoy your balcony today. It’s overcast today but still warmish after the heat has dissipated somewhat. Boosters later today.

    1. Thanks AC...I don't understand the comment "Boosters later today." Is that a club? Enjoy whatever it is.

  2. What a lovely way to block prying eyes! So happy to get things outdoors! (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. Your environment goes on and on, while mine has set boundaries right outside my doors. Yes and that's all I can care for these days...but I can go to public places to enjoy nature!

  3. When storm are forecast with high winds do you scramble to take the pots off the railing? I wonder if a knock out rose will grow here. I have some small rose bushes growing that I transplanted from a spot by the back entry. I'm hoping they will take off but can't tell yet.

    1. No, unless there are gust forecasts, I just leave the pots hanging. We have moderate winds more often, but I will even take balcony plants off the railing if the storm level winds are coming through. Good luck on your rose bushes!

  4. Your balcony looks beautiful there. Love all the flowers!

  5. You have a lovely balcony and view from it. I do hope the flowers are left for all to enjoy. It's a shame people pick community and park etc. flowers. Or take a rock or something. My parents always said about someone taking one of something, "If everyone took just one, there'd be none left."

    1. I agree with your folks...seeing something is better than grabbing it to take it home.

  6. Too bad that someone didn't see that the flower had been propped up and just decided to snip it for their own enjoyment. I gave up on roses years ago - that knock out rose sure looks to be prolific.

    1. It wasn't even snipped...I noticed the stem is all ragged because it was just grabbed...in one way I hope someone loved it enough to want it. But on the other hand, just because they loved it didn't give them any right to take it from the rest of us. I had thought that one of the daughters of the neighbor who lives in that apartment might have taken it, but I don't understand why they'd do so. It's beyond me.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks. I noticed a whole bunch of comments from you, which weren't getting published like everyone else's. I wonder why, since my setting says to publish anyone with a blog. And even including anonymous! I thought you had a blog!

  8. What a lovely garden you have. I enjoyed your clever use of the balcony and arranging your plants there.

  9. Spring is delightful. Your header photo today is awesome.

  10. I love hanging baskets! Saw some for sale yesterday planted with red geraniums. Very tempting!
    Have a blessed day!


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