Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Physical Therapist's Holiday Tree

There's almost no way to call this a Christmas Tree. It does have red and dark green ornaments. But the green ornaments are a bit strange. Lots of them are boots!

And this is a close up of the top-knot. Right....

Incidentally, I asked the Therapist about these decorations...he said ask the receptionist.

I asked her, and she said she found the ornaments in maybe a Walmart years ago. 


I didn't have the nerve to ask what they signified.

Today's quote:

We should face up to something that’s rarely if ever voiced in modern cosmology: the possibility that the true nature of the universe as a whole has nothing to do with the way its parts work, that it indeed lies outside the very characteristics of its components.

—Robert Lanza
Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space


  1. Love it! Hats and boots...if it raises a smile in someone, it does a good job

    1. That's it...some humorous pun which only some person from who knows where would understand!

  2. Replies
    1. I have concluded that it's a New Years tree, by the top hats on the top. No clue still about the boots!

  3. Hello,
    Cute decorations and Christmas tree. Maybe the boot decorations take the place of Christmas Stockings.
    Take care, have a great day and week ahead! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Ah a nice segway from stockings to boots. I like it! Have a happy Christmas!

  4. ...I hope that they are more talented as physical therapists the decorators!

    1. I do love the work my physical therapist does to teach my body to behave better. I wouldn't hire his receptionist to decorate my closet!

  5. Interesting tree decorations. I wonder what those hats on top are all about.

    1. I like Top Hats for the Top of the tree. Simple and a very weird way of looking at things!

  6. I like the little tree but not the decorations. It could use an update. :)

    1. Good point. This is a new receptionist, so maybe she brought these with her from her last job. I wonder if anyone has hinted to her how awful these are...or maybe that's the point!

  7. I remember seeing one of those trees when I was in grade school in a neighbor's house. It is a blight on the tradition of trees that's for sure.
    Have a very merry Christmas. Stay healthy! Thanks for your kind words today.

    1. Oh, I just got to the point of understanding that an awful decoration was some kind of comment about decorations for the season...and I would certainly prefer seeing something that's cheerful rather than ugly.

  8. Replies
    1. It sounds like you might accept the boots...I doubt that actually. The hats are Top Hats...so I've accepted them at the top of the tree. Boots have no excuse that I can think of.


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