Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, December 30, 2021

More beautiful lights on homes in Black Mountain


An incredibly well decorated home and yard...this photo was taken by someone standing across the street. We just drove slowly by it, on East Cotton St., Black Mountain NC

We tried to capture that amazing star which hung up in a tree!

It was fun to drive close to all these lights!

Then we drove around and captured a few other homes' lights.

And this one just didn't work. I have no idea why the camera didn't focus on the lights...but this is what it's automatic setting did.

I love the snowflakes around the roof edge! But a very nice picket fence as well!

Today's quote:

Worrying is bullshit. Worry is fear; it is a monumental waste of time, because it’s not something we can do anything about—all it does is serve to make us miserable. Eckert Tolle


  1. ...these are so well done, which isn't always the case here.

    1. Sometimes there are lots of blow-ups in a yard, but I think they weren't turned on by the time we drove by this evening.

  2. Although I would miss the snow, I am somewhat jealous of people seeing and photographing lights when it is not well below freezing.

    1. Yes indeed...it's been shirt-sleeve weather (up to 70 several afternoons) in the last week. Not a good trend I'm thinking. Come on down, and maybe you can bring some of that white stuff!

  3. Hello,

    A lovely tour show all the beautiful Christmas lights. They look so pretty.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks, and I hope you have a great day too. Who knows what tomorrow will bring...

  4. Replies
    1. I agree, and I was glad to drive around and see a few of them.

  5. I love the Christmas lights there. Really well done and beautiful.

    1. Thank you. The homeowners must have put some dollars into investing in them!

  6. The people did a wonderful job decorating their homes for the holidays. Great shots, Barbara.

    1. THanks, Bill. I liked these very much. But wait, I'll have some more in a day or so!

  7. I love looking at others' lights although I'm much too lazy to do any of my own.

    1. I had a couple of strings of the tiny white lights...but never got around to putting them up. If my son had visited, I would have asked him to do it. Sigh. The family is all well again and going about their lives. I'm glad my granddaughter is over her second bout of COVID.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.