Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, December 24, 2021

Last week's blooms and not so great news

I treated myself to these pretty posies. They lighten my mood. 

My families are all elsewhere for the Christmas celebration.  I am grateful for what I have, but sad to have not spent any holidays with family this year.

My son and family from OH were going to go to FL to visit family, and stop here for a night (in a hotel in Asheville) so I could have dinner with them. That was to have happened Wed. but on Tues. they texted that one daughter had been with a friend who now tested positive. She got a booster on Tues. but Wed. morning she tested positive, and was feeling cold symptoms. So they all hunkered down for two weeks quarantine rather than playing at the beach. Many sad and angry feelings I'm sure. My son will just shrug it off and deal with changes I'm sure. But oh the emotional women in his family!! . 

I'm ok with not giving them their little goodie bags, and will ship them to them now...minus the fresh fruit. My Christmas plans are open to the universe!!

Today's quote:

What a strange machine man is! You fill him with bread, wine, fish, and radishes, and out come sighs, laughter, and dreams.

 -Nikos Kazantzakis, poet and novelist (18 Feb 1883-1957)

(And the waste products...don't forget we're animals!) BR



  1. Lovely flowers.. I definitely agree with you, flowers do enlighten our mood. :)

    1. Yes, they do, though only to the extent when they droop. I've got lots of live plants to keep my cheer up with their greenery though!

  2. Hello,
    I am sorry to hear you will be missing your family, I hope your granddaughter recovers quickly.
    My hubby and I are having a quiet Christmas, our family are spread all over the place this year too.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Hi Eileen...thanks for stopping by to comment. I appreciate it, and hope your Christmas, though quiet, is enjoyable.

  3. ...Barbara, I wish you a safe and Merry Christmas.

  4. I'm sorry you're not getting to spend some time with your family, and sorry that they are dealing with a positive covid test. Hope all goes well for them. I also hope that you have a lovely Christmas despite the change in plans.

    1. Thanks Robin...I appreciate your good wishes. I also hope my granddaughter doesn't get very sick. So far her symptoms have been like a cold. She's had a booster, so maybe that will help.

  5. It never ends. Next Christmas will be better. I am almost sure of that.

    1. Well, I hope so too, but we never thought this plague would go this far. I am sorry for all the people who are now getting sick. I bet they thought it was over too!

  6. Sorry you're not seeing your family during the holidays. Covid messes up lots of people's plan. Hopefully she'll recover with no issues. Your flowers do brighten up the darkness that sometimes covers us. Hope you have a lovely and peaceful Christmas.

    1. Thanks, I agree with you that flowers do brighten up these dark days...which are getting lighter longer (finally.) Hope you have a good Christmas too!

  7. What a disappointment! But they are doing the right thing. Yuletide blessings to you, Barb!

    1. Yes, I have no arguments. This is just the way it is. I'm given so many things that I'm grateful for, I can't moan too much on this little tear in the fabric of happiness.

  8. Barbara, Sad that you won't see your family this Christmas...but we can't mess around with Covid. We won't see any family this year either and with Laurie's broken ankle we're pretty much home bound. Still, we have sunshine today and its warmer than usual and from our perspective that's a good thing! Have a Merry Christmas in any case! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Sending you some enjoyable times while staying close to home. Yes, our weather here is much the same today...I did go pick up a take-out lunch. So glad of sun and warmth.

  9. I'm glad you found something cheerful. This virus has put a damper on so many plans. It's very sad.

    1. I am trying to be more cautious again, and a friend gave me an N-95 mask to wear. I now can distance myself from crowds with a reason. Usually I just prefer to talk to one friend at a time anyway. I do feel sorry for my son and his family missing all the hoopla at his wife's mother's house.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you. I will cope, and think of all the blessings I have without sharing with family, and hope the young people will also learn to cope with unexpected things coming along. I'll definitely be calling them tomorrow!

  11. Sorry you cannot be with family, but glad you are coping. Enjoy your Christmas anyway!


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