Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Ingles does Christmas


Stopping by Ingles, our local supermarket, I found some strange flowers, and some pretty ones. The candy bar bouquets really got to me. I also thought the little cedar that's wrapped in ribbon and bending over was pretty strange (in the front in a blue bucket.)

I'm missing so many blog friends who are on breaks in order to squeeze a bit more things that aren't in their ordinary schedules, and a few more minutes with families...so I await my morning ritual of reading blog posts to return.

Today's quote:

A man is known by the company he keeps. A company is known by the men it keeps. -Thomas J. Watson, businessman (17 Feb 1874-1956):


  1. Hello,
    The flowers look pretty, the candy bar bouquets are different. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Hi again...I forgot to reply to these comments yesterday. Better a day late, and thank again for dropping by.

  2. ...the little cedar that's wrapped in ribbon and bending over looks like an updated Charlie Brown tree. Thomas J. Watson was indeed a wise man. Merry Christmas Barbara.

    1. Thanks Tom...Have a good time for Christmas yourselves!

  3. Candy bar bouquets constitute a good idea.

  4. Hang in there. It must be a little tough for you.

    1. Thanks for understanding, John. I'll get through this one, like many other challenges in life!

  5. A candy bar bouquet is such a sweet idea! Love the flowers too.

  6. I thought they were candy bar bouquets, I like them. Flowers are pretty too.

    1. Thanks Bill, they were real candy I think. I think I'd prefer flowers though.

  7. I'm trying to read blogs just not taking the time to post on mine. I saw some of those weird wrapped trees too at the grocery store.

    1. Thanks Marcia...I've pre-posted a few things. Glad to have you take time to make comments. Have a great Christmas!

  8. First, before I forget, I LOVE that photo that is your header/banner whatever you choose to call it.

    I wonder about that little cedar...I have never seen anything like that. I wonder if you take the ribbon off if there is a burst of the cedar smell.

    1. Thanks Rose...it does remind me of that Shakespeare saying that goes with your name. "A rose by any other name..." I just call it my header. Glad you like it. The idea of smelling the cedar is neat.


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