Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A (last?) lunch inside Ole's Guacamole.

Before Omicron hit our shores, we decided to try eating inside one last time, several weeks ago.

We were masked all the time we weren't eating...and sipped our drinks with straws under our masks too! But this was a lunch we needed. Cathy's caring for a sick pup that is her family. She's been pretty stressed about it. Josie is a sweet dog, but this may be her (Josie's) last days.

I loved the tiles between each booth, and felt somehow safer with less air shared by the next booth, which we couldn't see or hear.

There were pretty decorations on the bright blue walls.

These cute little flower shelves on the orange wall were in the Ladies rest room.

This nicely glazed sink was also inviting clean hands.

We may be using take-out for any Mexican food for the next few months. The Omicron variant makes inside dining pretty questionable. But the weather has been so nice and warm, we could probably eat on the patio by the stream, if we wished.

Today's quote:
We must abandon completely the notion of blaming the past for any kind of situation we’re in and reverse our thinking and see that the past always flows back from the present. That now is the creative point of life. So you see it’s like the idea of forgiving somebody, you change the meaning of the past by doing that. Also, watch the flow of music. The melody as it’s expressed is changed by notes that come later. Just as the meaning of a sentence—you wait till later to find out what the sentence means… The present is always changing the past.
—Alan Watts


  1. Hello,
    It seems like the Covid numbers are higher now then since it started. It is a good idea to wear the mask, we are doing much the same here. Maybe carry-out and keeping a distance from everyone. Take care, have a great day! I wish you all the best in 2022, Happy New Year!

    1. I agree, carry out if I must. And then I still have to stand in the lobby and wait for my lunch, like I did at Ole's yesterday in honor of this lunch a week or more ago. The other patrons don't often mask, especially children. Or they will mask after coming in the door. It's not completely without contact with others. I'm bummed today, because a friend did catch COVID starting on Christmas.

  2. Lovely decor. I've only done takeaway from restaurants since this started.

    1. I can certainly wait a few more months to eat-in. You are wiser than I.

  3. That restaurant is so lovely. Love all the colors and art work. It's a good idea to be very careful now with the Omicron variant. The holidays make things a bit more difficult.
    Many, many years ago I was a big fan of Alan Watts (I haven't read him in years). I love being reminded of him.

    1. Me too, Alan Watts once was "the thing to listen to." But I kind of found more interesting/up-to-date gurus to listen to, I guess.

  4. The artwork is very attractive. We haven't been to a restaurant in years.

    1. Well, when this is all over (yes, I do believe there will be COVID-free days sometime) then you can consider a lunch somewhere. I have friends that think it will always be around, and will join the flu in our need for annual shots.

  5. We've been the three places since the beginning. In one we were very well separated, and we were well enough separated in another. The third had booths closer together but had erected glass partitions between tables. I was impressed by that.

    1. Keeping those businesses going was part of my reason for doing take-out. The other was that I needed to eat something that I didn't cook!

  6. I've started getting groceries by ordering and pickup again. Sigh! And going out to eat is limited to off-hours at less popular places. Other people are going around in groups, unmasked, unconcerned.

    Nature is thinning us out without mercy.

    1. I know we have a few tourists, while school is out especially. But I also am aware many of our local people are anti-maskers. Even though it's a mandate in indoor areas, but who knows what they think. I walk to the other side of the room, or leave, whenever they approach me. I don't fee rude at all.

  7. Those are beautiful decorations. So colorful! I am hesitating to go out anywhere these days although if I continue to see other people I'll catch it somehow. I'm not up for complete isolation.

    1. Thanks. My friend and I have been driving around frequently, and I was masked the evening we toured the lights, though she wasn't. I'm even using the more efficient N-95 mask, and will use a surgical as well as a cloth when I think this one is kaput.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.