Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, December 6, 2021

Oh the "Take Out" food

 I stopped by the No. One China to pick up some Chinese American food after being diagnosed with Pneumonia.

I knew I'd want some Hot and Sour soup.

I knew some tofu and broccoli "Home Style" would be good at some point.

And I took home these goodies and stuck them all in the refrigerator.

Next day, I fixed a half bowl of soup, and when it was hot, put in those crunchy noodles that kind of cut the power of the peppers in it. And heated up a small plate of various veggies. Sometimes I only get broccoli, but this time there were a few other things as well. 

The crunchy noodles were so good in the soup that I started dunking the veggies in it too. I was ravenous. No idea why, because I've been drinking lots of fluids, and eating some soft things so I don't bother my broken tooth.

Anyway, I'll have to cancel my physical therapy for a while. I think the scheduled annual physical at mmy doctors office may still go ahead, since they already took my blood sample...and I'll wear a mask the whole time. With the doctor's office computers not working (no charts from the past are available) I'll take my copy of last year's results regarding my cholesterol levels. That's what I'm most interested in comparing.

My friend and I have cancelled our lunch date in Asheville next week. So I'll be a good sickie. I'm trying. But when I lie down and close my eyes, I imagine I'm playing solitaire on my phone, and I always loose.

I have to avoid sunlight, though I think a bit through the windows won't damage the antibiotics. I just won't sit in it!


  1. The soup sounds yummy. Take care and you should be resting. I hope you feel better soon. Have a great day and week ahead.

    1. Thanks, I'll have a third serving from it today for lunch. Not much appetite these days, and yes, I'm resting!

  2. ...take out is a special thing these days. Take care and get well.

    1. I rely on take-out, since I don't have the energy needed to clean up the kitchen and then cook and clean it up again!

  3. The food seems like a good plan, but your health is a real concern.

    1. I still scheduled to see my primary care doc. on Wednesday. Thanks for your concern.

  4. The take-out food sounds very yummy. I wish we could get something like that here. We haven't had take-out food in years.
    Hope all goes well with your upcoming doc appointment. Take care there, Barbara.

    1. It's a bargain to get Chinese take out...the soup is about 2.50, and the Tofu and veggies, about 12.00

  5. Spicy soup sounds like a very good choice!

    1. Oh it was. Now I've eaten it all up, and am wishing I had more.

  6. You have had a time of it. Glad you now have a diagnosis and a treatment plan. Take care of ourself.

    1. Thanks, I hope this treatment will help. I feel pretty helpless myself!

  7. The soup is good for you. I hope you will feel better soon so you can enjoy the holidays. Take care!

  8. Hot and sour soup is said to clear the lungs. Rest up and get plenty of fluids.


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