Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, March 9, 2020

Why I sit looking out windows

 I like how the clouds bringing rain always come from over the ridge to the south.

The rain had fallen for a while, so a blue sky was visible for a few minutes, and an unusual swath of sunshine on the far side of the valley...but not to last!

Below is my panoramic shot from the iPhone...it squeezes the apartment building pretty badly, but there are all the trees and mountains I see daily...with a bit of reflection from the window of my kitchen light across the tree on the right end.

I can read emails, make comments on blogs, and occasionally get up and take a photo through the window. As you may have noticed, very few of our residents go out. I was surprised at that. Or maybe I'm looking at the screen when they do go down the long walkways.  Of course a few minutes after taking these photos, I got up and went to do my physical therapy exercises on the floor. They are helping so much, but getting back up from the floor is still one of the hardest moves to do! (And no, I shant be sharing any photos of me there!)


  1. ...perhaps when the weather gets better, people will be out and about more.

    1. I have days when I seem happy to putz around my apartment, and probably spend a couple of hours at the studio...then zing, I just have to be out in nature again!

  2. You wrote, "shant." I think that is quite wonderful.

    1. Ha ha, I got it underlined by spell check, but decided to say it anyway. There are days when new/old words just make most sense.

  3. Lots of people dom't like to be out in the rain and some don't like walking. I have to be out and about, not all the time but most of the time.

    1. Good for you. I tend to do whatever is needed in the rain, but it's not much!

  4. I like your view there and being able to watch the weather come and go. Lovely.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.