Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, March 13, 2020

An old photo with a dog in it

Since I've been a cat lover most of my life, I've only tried being a dog owner a few times.  But I had an old sepia photo of one of my Heym relatives with a dog. The Heym family are the ancestors of 2 of my sons, and my 6 grandchildren. (I honestly don't think any of them read my blog!)

Pete the dog. We don't know who the man is.

My ex-husband's mother grew up on a farm in Michigan, and there are a collection of old photos from that farm...including this one.

Louis (perhaps the man in first photo), Mary (my ex's mother as a young girl) and Gertrude, the grandmother of my ex-husband. I don't think my ex ever met these grandparents. My sons met their grandmother, Mary, when they were quite young, but may remember her.

A dog...a hard photo to link to. Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week.


  1. Hello, love the old family photos and the dogs. I have always been a dog lover! Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

  2. We are also more cat people than dog people.

  3. Love seeing these old photos.

  4. It's nice seeing old family photos even if you don't know the people in them. I love these, very nice and the dogs are fabulous, of course. :)

  5. Good choices of photos. I love that porch scene!

  6. I think you did a fine job matching the prompt with the old photo featuring Pete the dog! I think you might be right about the man in the picture possibly being Louis. The only real difference between the two men in the two photos is the men's hairdo being parted on opposite sides. Otherwise the two men look quite alike - even to their sitting stance. Besides, one of those old photos could be backwards.

  7. Great match! So many pets never get their names remembered, so Pete is a special dog. That's a classy porch too.


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