Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, March 26, 2020

If you have it, what do you do about it?

I've had a fever off and on for the last 24 hours. And since I have a chronic cough, this one doesn't really feel any different.

I'll call my doctor this morning and see what he says.

My own choice is to shelter in place. Unless I get really out of breath or the fever gets higher. I'm not inclined to take the test for Covid-19, because as of now the turn around time to get results is 10 days. And tests are in short supply.

I figure I should get over it about the time they tell me anything. Of course I'm being optimistic that I won't get any sicker.

I'll let you folks know, as long as I can sit here and do my breathing treatments (which should help me fight this I'm thinking).


  1. I hope you're soon feeling better. Despite all the coverage on the news you're still more likely to pick up a "normal" bug than Covid 19. Even so anything that gives you problems with breathing needs taking care of.

    1. Thanks John...today I did feel better, fever was down a bit, and my Dr. said just to keep monitoring it.

  2. It must be scary, but I think you have been pretty careful.

    1. Well, I did not clean off my groceries after I brought them home, just shelved them and shoved them in fridge. Ooops. I washed my hands.

  3. Hello, pretty flowers. I hope you feel better, it may not be the covid 19. Take care! Wishing you a happy day!

    1. Thanks Eileen...I'm really laying low, and hope it ends up just being a cold.

  4. ...take care in these spooky times.

    1. Thanks Tom, I'm really doing much of nothing these days.

  5. Please take care there and I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks Robin...I'm trying to push fluids, and eat balanced good foods.

  6. I hope yu feel better soon, take care.

  7. For what it's worth, we've been told if we think we got it, to stay home and isolate if symptoms are bearable, flu-like, fever not too dramatic etc. and wait it out for 14 days. If things deteriorate, i.e. trouble breathing, fever climbing, and other respiratory distress signals, such as blue lips, it's time to go to hospital. Testing for Covid 19, the diesease caused by the new corona virus, is only reliable during the first week of onset.

    And in 2-3 months, the first antibody tests will be available and you can find out whether you had it.

    Take care, rest and distraction.

    1. Oh, I hadn't heard that about the test only being good for the first week of onset, nor that there will be an antibody test coming that soon.

  8. Hi

    All the best. These are scary times.



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