Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, March 27, 2020

what tourism?

Sepia Saturday this week shows a lovely postcard.

Tourists were enjoying the seaside, various venues to enjoy their time away from their regular lives.

These days, nobody in my county is allowed out of their homes unless going for provisions or medicine, or maybe for a walk by themselves. It's not really being enforced but it sure cuts into tourism.

May we all have healing after the "social isolation" is over, and may we remember that our mother earth is needing care!

Here's an interesting article from "The Atlantic" about what the future may hold.


  1. ...and I was enjoying the seaside just days ago, how thing can change. I hope that you are doing well, hang in there.

    1. Thanks...I've enjoyed your many seaside photos. Now for more ordinary photos in extra-ordinary times. I think I'll add that to my header actually!

  2. We aren't out in droves hereabouts, but we encounter some walkers in the park. We do keep our distance though.

    1. Good to know you have limited numbers of encounters...and at a distance!

  3. Good article--thanks for the link! Stay safe!

    1. You're welcome. I love reading your blog daily (as you already know from my comments!)

  4. Hello, I think Mother Earth is happy, now that less people are out and about. We keep our distance but try to get a walk in every day we can. I am looking forward to this virus coming to an end. I would like to go on a road trip! Stay well and take care. Happy weekend!

    1. It is hard to realize road trips are not really feasible, unless you bring along your own food, drinks, and potty. I used to like stopping at drive-through restaurants to use their facilities, since they were kept clean more than ones at gas stations. I do hope you can have a road trip again soon.

  5. Thank you so much for including The Atlantic article on the Conoravirus in your post. It has so much needed information on why the U.S. was so sadly unprepared for it, yet it's a hopeful article at the same time if only we learn from our mistakes! Love the beautiful picture of the earth! :)

    1. Hi Gail, glad you could read that article. There are so many people commenting on the crisis, I look for sanity wherever I can find it.

  6. The earth is mostly a gigantic pool of water so I think you have a match. I read your post from a few days ago, and hope you are feeling better. There is one odd symptom of the covid19 virus that many of the stricken have shared. A lost of taste and smell. Stay well.

    1. Yes, I also noticed no smelling ability (while making coffee) and taste required dumping lots of salt and sugar into things. I am grateful if that was my virus experience that it was no worse. I am still being careful since I fear I could have it again. But I'm especially grateful to have some return of sense of smell...since mine has worsened with the years anyway.

  7. Now that's something to think about! I'm a "Destination Expert" on Trip Advisor, and it surprises me that people are still asking what they can do if they come to Virginia Beach NOW. YIKES!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.