Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Bicycle girls

A "vintage" Schwinn bike, for sale at $350 with another $100 shipping. This one is a 1973 model. Mine when I was in college in 1960 was a 3 speed, with hand brakes. This was new to me, as well as those thin wheels. I'd been on balloon tires with pedal brakes up till then.

But I learned quickly, riding it to and from classes every day.

Then I had another bike when I finished my BFA and my M.ED. and Ed.S. at the University of Florida in the 1980s. I loved relearning how to swerve along walkways to avoid other bikes and pedestrians.

AND, I was carrying my little son on the back of the bike a lot of the time. We didn't wear helmets at that time, and I usually had a back pack on with books. I again had a thin tire bike, not like the woman below. Also our baby carrier was just yellow plastic, but it did have a seat belt. I'd drop my son at the day care, or his kindergarten, then wheel across campus to classes. We lived on campus the last 3 years of my study, which was another tiny apartment in my life.

The bicycle girls...on Sepia Saturday this week.


  1. ...some bikes sure have gotten expensive.

    1. I haven't even looked closely at them lately! Very impressive!

  2. Kids on the back. We did that in the 70s.

    1. Me too...if there were safe enough roads to travel.

  3. I was given a beautiful sky-blue 3-geared bike with white-sidewall balloon tires (and peddle brakes which I much prefer)for my 12th birthday. I loved that bike. It was second-hand, but my Dad had repainted it, put a nice big basket on the front, & outfitted it with special white rubber handles with plastic red & green jeweled ends. I rode that thing everywhere - and of course, back then, without helmet or any other kind of protection. Consequently I had a few cuts, scrapes, and burns when I occasionally crashed. Luckily, nothing truly serious! Later, my sister and I used to rent bikes and go riding through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Fun times!

    1. Yep, I crashed a few times when a teen, but not once (that I remember) I got the Schwinn. Maybe wearing stockings sometimes pushed me to be more of a lady. But most of the time I was in bobby socks and loafers. And I was very lucky not to have any spills while carrying precious cargo behind me!

  4. There's something about getting a bicycle that's different from choosing a car. It's not just that it has to fit our physique, but I think it has to inspire our desire to be in motion.

  5. Hello, The last time I was on a bike, I fell off. I twisted my leg and tore my hamstring, it still hurts at times. Never been on a bike again.. Love the last photo. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  6. Any day now my bike will come out of the shed for another summer.

  7. It's a long time since I rode a bike. Actually the last time was on a tandem bicycle with a blind guy on the rear seat. He really enjoyed our rides.

  8. I took a spill from my bike last summer and that discouraged me from riding. I've reached the age where I can't afford to break a bone.

  9. The last time I rode a bike was on the Creeper Trail in southwest Virginia. When I look back on that, I scare myself thinking how it could have gone so wrong.


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