Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Visiting the Doctor's Office in the Time of Covid-19

A recent follow-up-visit with the Dr. changed my meds...he added a new one that should have side-effects - meaning more bathroom visits than I already have. Ugh.

But my blood pressure has sometimes been a bit high, and he thinks this diuretic will help the med I'm already taking for it.

After checking in (not having to sign in at least) I used the hand sanitizer at the front counter since I'd just opened the door to the office with my hands.  I noticed they weren't providing masks any more for the waiting room.

I was interested to see if there was any difference in the medical procedures because of the corono virus epidemic.  Yes, the Dr. didn't shake hands, and I said I didn't want to either.  I said I liked the idea of one person bowing to the other, and the other (whoever had been bowed to) would then curtsey. I like the idea of bowing, and said as much, saying the Japanese had a good thing there. Come to find out, my Dr. had spent 4 years there.

He then typed for a good 5 minutes to update my chart. Apparently it doesn't get updated sometimes...this was from my visit a month ago.

When my blood pressure had just been taken (earlier) I asked the nurse if they had test kits. No need to ask for what. After he said yes, I asked him how many.


I said "I hope you don't have to use them all."

But I thought, you serve about 100 (at least) elderly people, and I think the Dr. goes to a local nursing home also. That's nowhere near enough! I didn't say anything. I do hope the tests just gather dust on a shelf for years to come.

The nurse did ask if I had a frequent cough or a fever. I said I had chronic cough due to bronchiectasis, but am not sick. I even found myself coughing into my sleeve later while the doctor was there, and he commended me for an elbow cough. But apparently (and we didn't discuss this) a sleeve can also carry the moisture and spread it, so using a tissue which is immediately thrown in the trash is recommended for sneezing and coughing. Didn't do that though.

I used my sleeves to open the doors to leave the office...both from inside the exam area and to get out the front door. Then came home and scrubbed my hands with soap and water before coming to this keyboard. I think it will be hardest to clean of all! But nobody else will have access to it, anyway.

Incidentally, I just attended a meeting and wore my mask, since I'm prone to coughing. Then I wore it at grocery store to get some fruit and yogurt. I was the only one. I've also told friends I don't plan on coming to church for a while. I usually have to leave because of my chronic cough already...and I don't want to sit there coughing into a mask. I'm glad the sermons are recorded these days.

Stay safe everyone. Wash your hands, disinfect those knobs that others touch.


  1. ...when I return I have two appointments, things will be different I sure!

  2. Hello, I am glad you are taking safety precautions. Stay well! Enjoy your day!

  3. Being cautious is the way to be. Have a nice evening!

  4. Our biggest near hospital in the city is testing, those who have been prescribed, curbside.

  5. I find myself wondering how many people are going to be avoiding church for a few weeks too.


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