Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, March 16, 2020

Necessities in the time of Covid-19

I am hunkered down, except a couple of outings that cannot be postponed.

Here in NC our cars have yearly tags which means paying taxes to city and state. Before they are issued, each car must be inspected by an authorized car repair place...and lots of them offer this.

I postponed getting this done, so Friday last week, I figured I'd better do it before everyone shut down their businesses. I'd waited to avoid the crunch at the end of last month, but it's due at the end of March.  I dare say taxes will still be collected, though the envelopes may not be opened on time.

My favorite mechanic was busy as usual, but also checked a belt that had been squealing, and he said it doesn't need replacing yet. Isn't this shop just like they probably always have been? The parking lot is always crowded with cars and I just pull up in whatever free area is available.  I sat wearing a mask and reading a book in their cluttered waiting room, and caught them working on various computers, one of which eventually printed out my inspection. Yay, my little car is good for another year.  I was even offered the staff washroom in case I wanted to wash my hands.

I will be taking some bleach-water and disinfecting the car a bit (except upholstery of course) from wherever I think R.T. touched things. Just being cautious. He was wearing rubber gloves himself to work on it!


  1. Here, we just do an emissions test on older vehicles and then just every second year as long as we pass. Therefore, I was able to renew my licence online.

  2. ...your mechanic sounds like mine!

  3. Husband and I are in our mid to late 60's and just did a wipedown of the steering wheel with a wipe (fortunately I 'saw it coming' and bought some in advance. But I think the inspection of our one vehicle is in April - yikes, I hadn't even thought of it. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  4. Taxes.... Soon to be that time again.


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