Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Remembering a cheerful friend

On March 3, 2018, I lost one of my best friends ever. And just an hour before her husband called to tell me she was gone, I was notified by email that my sister had died 5 months before. These coincidences don't happen often in our lives, and I'll never forget that as I woke up that morning, I had had a vivid dream about a visit from my mother (long gone) that reminded me of our immortality.

Yes, I wrote to my friend's husband describing that dream. I may have blogged about it, but I doubt it. I think I figured you all were too rational to want to read my experiences with loss...not to mention dreams.

After I moved to Black Mountain, with the Beddinfield's help, we had a picnic by the lake. George is surrounded by beauties, right? (Me on right in photo)

 I took George and Rosie to visit Penland school of crafts...where my son Tai was doing a residency.

George and Tai at clay studio at Penland, 2008

Here's the video that her son, Mike, made for her memorial. Rosemary Beddingfield is not in my thoughts daily, like the whole year after she died. But there are still many things around to remind me of her. And I'm still of the opinion that she, as well as my sister and mother, and father, and grandparents, and everyone I've ever loved, have life in a spiritual world after this one in our present universe.

I sure don't know what it's like. And I am not particularly eager to go visit it, because the gates seem to slam shut once we do die. So whenever it may happen, it's inevitable in life being that we all die, I hope I'm ready with curiosity and an open mind.

I don't remember the dates of their deaths, it's not the anniversaries that give much joy. I do remember the birthdays still!

Below is George with his back to the view, while Rosie is in rocker in red shirt, and right behind her is Kathy, George's sister, who lives in Etoah, NC.

George and Rosie in Etowah July 2006. When I visited them for my vacation, I decided this would be a great place to retire, which I did a year later. In top photo Rosie is holding one of their 3 cats at the time, Dutchess.

Bottom photo is Rosie and myself trying out rockers in Brevard, NC.


  1. You have a good store of memories and photos.

  2. Love lasts forever.

  3. ...savor those around me everyday and take care!

  4. The memories of your friend are priceless!

  5. Memories are what really count. No one can take those away from us, or modify them. You can sit in quiet moments and relive experiences past.


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