Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Some sepia views

1895 Visitors to Melbourn Zoo

 Marlene Deitrich rolling on her bike wearing a saloon costume

Sharing this week with Sepia Saturday

And since it's August, I've pulled out some old photos of mine.

Wintertime visit with my mother's mom.

A Christmas photo with my new piano...oh did I ever love banging away on it!

Somehow my dad set up the camera for a delayed shutter click...or maybe he got a neighbor to take this photo of our whole family. One of the few pics of all of us. Dallas TX 1946/7


  1. Only Marlene Deitrich could pull of wearing a cycling outfit like that! I wonder if anyone still takes family photos like yours. I have one of my mother's family with everyone dressed up in their best clothes and my uncle wearing (to his eternal horror) a little sailor's suit. Mum was nine at the time and remembered going to a studio to have it taken but could never work out why, as it was not something her family had ever done before or since. Then it suddenly struck us: it was taken at the outbreak of WWII; there were rumours of children about to be evacuated to the countryside and men being called up to fight - the photo had been taken in case the family never were all together again. Happily they were all re-united though my grandfather's mental health was badly affected by his experiences clearing up after the bombing raids on east London.

    1. We do have a family tradition of a group photo whenever we gather...especially with relations we don't normally see. Maybe that's because some of us come from quite a distance so don't get together often. No wars to motivate us! Glad to hear your family did have the reunion after WW II. The bombing of the early days on London was pretty terrible...and then many children did get sent to the countryside. How terrible that must have been.

  2. Your photos are pretty decent for the times. Have you had to do a bit of work on them to get them looking so good?

    1. The last photo would have irked my mother, who thought our feet should be included in photos as well as heads! The first 2 came from the internet. No editing has been done by moi.

  3. Hello,
    These are all wonderful sepia images. You look cute next to your piano, the last family photo looks great.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks...I'm glad that our family did take so many photos. As the first child, I was lucky to have more taken of me than my sis. I do hope you have a good weekend as well!

  4. One day I'll have to post some old photos to the blog. Yours are neat to look at.

    1. It's pretty nice to be prompted by the Sepia Saturday meme, though I seldom follow the actual subject...and many others link without directly connecting, while a few manage to do so.

  5. Old family pictures are always charming.

    1. And I need to scan the others that are sitting on a shelf...in those old albums.

  6. Replies
    1. Sure, it's a weekly challenge to come up with old photos for Sepia Saturday!

  7. Glad you found your way to the proper place to post! Good pix. Love the Marlene Deitrich shot! :)

  8. Your little wool coat looks way more stylish and practical than Marlene's outfit. If she actually rode her bicycle, I can't believe her garment would have lasted 5 minutes before flying apart or getting stuck in the gears. I laughed at your comment about your mother's notion that feet should always be included in a photo. Whenever I crop photos like I did for my blog post this weekend, I always worry over whether to include the shoes or not. Maybe someone's ancestor will want to see it! :–)


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