Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Cable cut off in error

 So I have no internet nor TV at home since Sat. around 11:15 am.

I was on my way out the door, and figured it was just one of those intermittent things...would be reconnected from their office within a few minutes. As I walked to my car, I saw the culprit, a Charter/Spectrum truck was pulling away from an illegal parking spot. That was 11:30 Sat.

When I returned home at 1:30 or so, still no internet, nor TV. I tried the rebooting procedures which they have led me through enough times that I can now do it without calling them. No luck.

So I called them. They agreed, I was completely cut off. I'm sure they also looked quickly to see if I'd paid their hefty monthly fees. Had there been a line down in the yard, they asked? I said, no, our cable comes in underground from a box at the end of a building (serving 8 apartments).

I told the national repairs desk that I'd seen the Spectrum truck leaving this morning, and deduced since I had a new neighbor next door that he might have been turning on the neighbor's service, and inadvertently cut mine off.

But they could not fix it from the national repair desk. So I received an appointment and then they wrote a ticket. What that means in Spectrum-talk is that I have a ticket that asks for earliest repair, hopefully immediately.

I then got a call from some local person who told me there was nobody in the area today, I'd have to wait until Aug. 4, 4-5 n pm. I told her I'd seen someone in the area this morning. But she hung up on me.

I then had the unique (to me) experience of feeling cut off from the world. Yes the phone still worked, as well as texting friends. But the activities which I usually spend my waking hours doing were suddenly unavailable to me.

So I had lunch, Then read a paper book for an hour. Then texted a friend for a while. But she wanted to watch the game with her hubby (through cable at her house).

I tried setting my alarm and lying down, thinking I might feel better if I could nap for a while.

Then I went to the drugstore and picked up some vitimins I need. The tried to park outside the church in the shade and get the internet so I could sit in the car and read my digital book. They changed the router, and it is no longer the one I used to have access to.

So here I am at the library until 5 pm when they close (in 30 min.) I have a restaurant still to try, and hopefully the heat of the day will have diminished so I can just have the car's ac on and still read for a while there.

I have blogs to write and photos to edit. And 3 library books on my iPad which I usually read in bed.  It will be the paper book again for that activity.

Tomorrow I'll be glad to attend church (Sunday) rather than watch the YouTube live link from home. That's ok, I've got my mask! Then in the afternoon at 4 is our women's Lammas celebration outside. So my activities will be less dependent on the cable.

I haven't been able to print out the little quote that I've chosen to offer. So now I will try to figure out if I can copy it into a text message for my phone. It's a bit long for that, but maybe I can use the notebook on the phone without the internet...unless someone has told me how to get on line at church again.

Hope all my blogger friends are at peace and cool, and breathing easy with all the smoke puffing along through our air these days. Not to mention, avoiding the plague!


  1. Barb, you are being way too nice! It's unconscionable that you are being pushed aside. You are an older woman with health issues. Do you have a state ombudsman? Start calling the cable company over and over until you get service.
    Be a squeaky wheel!

  2. Hello,
    Sorry, you are having problems with your cable. They seem to have no problems collecting their big payments, customer service overall is horrible. I hope they come out and fix your problem, they should give you a credit on your bill for the days you do not have service. Take care and stay safe. Have a great day and week ahead.

  3. What a PITA! I hope it gets resolved soon. Glad you found a workaround to post this.

  4. ...for the most part we are happy with Spectrum.

  5. So frustrating. We depend on our connections these days!

  6. I think it's outrageous that they don't come and fix their error ASAP. I hope you find an easy solution to this mess and don't have to wait too long.

  7. PITA http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/pita

  8. Times like this we learn how our lives are wrapped around the internet. Hope normal service is restored soon!

  9. Frustrating, isn't it! Our internet goes down sometimes and I feel lost after a while. So many apps depend on the web in order to function.


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