Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, August 10, 2021



Last week I dropped in at my local fav coffee house several times to use their internet as well as imbibe a couple of Americanos. Oooh, I sure can't make them so good. I was in line behind this lovely lady and asked if I could take a photo of her hair. She said sure. Sorry I didn't get her name.

I have been enjoying this fruit, while everyone else is going ga-ga over peaches, I prefer nectarines.

Oops, there goes another bottle of pure unpasteurized local honey. This time it was Locust. I look for wildflower whenever I can, because it helps me in fighting the pollen allergies which get my sinus going. The bees are all covered with pollen when making this honey, and using it raw helps provide me with a low dose that I hope gradually helps me build immunity to it.


  1. Hello,
    I love the wildflower honey too, but I buy the clover and buckwheat honey too.
    What a colorful hairdo! Have a happy day and week ahead.

    1. I have tried clover, and in FL of course had Orange Blossom. Never had buckwheat...may have to live near where it's grown! I wonder how long it took someone(s?) to do her hair.

  2. ...for me, a nectarine is a peach without the fuzz. I made peach jam yesterday. Years ago when I visited nurseries in NC, I would drive the Blue Ridge Parkway and see sourwood honey for sale. I was told that it was the gold standard for honey.

    1. I have purchased a small amount off raw Sourwood honey at the Tailgate...it sells fast and high priced. But I honestly didn't notice any difference from wildflower. I use it mainly in tea, and can usually taste it a bit. I bet peach jam is good. I think my mother canned it once, but don't remember how I liked it (being around 8 years old at the time.)

  3. What a lovely hairdo! That took time to braid. I'm off to a haircut this afternoon. I think I need it shorter. As the gray takes over its curlier than the other hair. Strange. None of my sisters have had that happen. They're envious. Curlier has its advantages and disadvantages.

    1. How neat that you're turning curly! I think my hair is also doing something like that...where it used to lie down over my ears, now it sticks out in a curl! What a bother. Want to see the new haircut. I didn't like my last one which was too short, or maybe that was the time before.

  4. We've been enjoying some delicious peaches here lately. I'll have to go check if the co-op has any nectarines. Yum!
    Beautiful hair!

    1. I'm pretty sure these nectarines (organic though they are) came from out of the state, and probably out of the country.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm glad I don't put so much energy into my hair these days. I've been known to get in the car and realize I forgot to brush it at all that morning...so it gets finger combed.


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