Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, August 7, 2021

From the 1890s

 What a fun movie clip from the 1890s...a YouTube from Open Culture newsletter which I receive daily.

The 1890s in cities around the world. Or the Open Culture article is HERE.

This is my contribution to Sepia Saturday this week.

And on a more personal note...I attended a short (45 min.) chair yoga class yesterday at the Lakeview center, and it was so great to have many folks attending (most in masks). I have less pain in my back now too!


  1. ...those in the beginning sure look happy!

    1. It's neat to see the faces, and think that those people have been speaking (whichever) language since birth. That's one of the amazing things seeing folks around the world...and of course all these people are now just spirits in memories.

  2. Hello,
    Neat video. I am glad you enjoyed the chair yoga, it is great that it helped your back pain.
    Have a happy weekend!

    1. That and of course the muscle relaxant meds. I just noticed our air is deemed clear of smoke today. Yes, I'm going out! Little steps though.

  3. I didn't know that was possible.

    1. I guess you're referring to yoga. It's mainly gentle stretching, with a few twists and we ended up standing in warrior I pose, oh and tree pose holding the chair back. I haven't got my balance as good as I once did!

  4. That's some amazing film. I presume it must have been cleaned up using some kind of digital wizardry. Shame they couldn't have found some more appropriate music though; after a few minutes I muted it and played some Scott Joplin on Spotify - much more in keeping with the mood.

    1. I usually mute any music on videos, unless there's some voice talking. This one had titles given so I didn't have to listen to it. Scott Joplin is definitely a good choice!

  5. My wife has started doing yoga, and she swears by it.

    1. I have a lot of friends who can still get down on a mat. Maybe I will someday or another.

  6. Before Covid there were occasional yoga events out in the open here.

  7. I've not seen this compilation before, and like how it was edited. Every scene has a story we will never know about. It's interesting to see how many children and horses were once a daily part of city life. Thanks for sharing it.

    And chair yoga sounds much better than dog or goat yoga!

  8. An amazing film! I was particularly interested in the Italian ship launch (since my ancestors came here on one of those boats), the women on bicycles (a new, liberating form of transportation at the turn of that century) and the French subjects openly staring at the camera when the others did not :-) As one film clip blended into another, there seemed to be more cross-border commonality than differences -- though, alas, not enough to prevent the subsequent world wars. Thanks for posting!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.