Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, August 15, 2021

A good read or 3

I read about these 3 books, though I had never heard of the author before. An interesting review by a fellow blogger, so I looked up the series in our Buncombe County Library system. There was the first one as a hard cover volume, which I put a hold on, then went to the Black Mountain library to check it out.

What had caught my attention in the review on the third book, another Rosie title which I can't bring to mind right now, was that these characters are dealing with Autism. The author is writing in Australia, though the characters spend some time in New York, NY.

I found lots of things that were laughable, and might have chuckled out loud a few times. As my internet was down for 5 days, I was glad to have a paper book (or 8) to read.

And once the internet was working again, I found an e-book on line that I could read on my mini-iPad.

The last book is excellent, and kind of wraps up some of the concerns I had about the first two. I am not sure it can stand alone, but there are frequent explanations of various "episodes" which are in the past of the characters' lives.

Now I've read all three, and am trolling for a few other interesting reads. Of course I read several of Vicki Lane's books during my grueling no-wi-fi days. And I did go around different places finding their wi-fi's to use so I could see what my blog's comments were. I didn't have time to read all my friend blogs however, nor made comments on them. So I missed almost a whole week. I hope our blog-friendships can be repaired!

So last Sunday was International Cat's Day, apparently. I miss my various cats so much.

And another note, this person is becoming more forgetful every day. I love reading blogs, but this life that is real means I should remember to take various meds, and the other day I commented in the la la land of blogs and completely forgot what needed to be part of my own life. Ah, the fantasy life!

Today's quote:

We must not wish for the disappearance of our troubles but for the grace to transform them.




  1. ...I wish that I was a reader.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I re-read my books not long ago and was surprised at how much I'd forgotten about them.

    1. I'm glad to be re-reading a couple, after having read later ones in the series. That has helped me understand some of the sites you mentioned! And with my memory, I only vaguely remember what happened!

  4. I haven't been reading much lately, but a good book will sure help to pass the time -- actually more than pass the time.

  5. I have read all three of that series. There are an enjoyable read and insightful too.

    1. Oh I'm so glad to hear you've also enjoyed them.

  6. Hello,

    Thanks for sharing these books. I do enjoy reading, mostly I read a lot of mystery series on my kindle. Take care, have a happy new week!

    1. I've been glad to read digital books often...and Vicki Lane wrote 4 mysteries, then changed to different kind of novels.

  7. Oops! Sometimes we get focused on the small things and forget about the big ones. That series is one of my favorites. It is funny, yet also thoughtful of its characters. Don seems like a real person and not a caricature.

    1. Yes, thanks for talking about the series. Glad to know you liked them too!


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