Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The bare bones of my entrance area (before Mother's Day plants)


A pair of Eastern Towhees were located under one of the big Azalea bushes...and here's number two hopping over the wall to get under or in another big Azalea bush.

This used to be two distinct bushes, but the crazy pruners lumped them together.

With these two very sad bushes which were scalped for who knows why, my porch doesn't look very welcoming. (Check out last post about getting new plants!)

I will soon be sneezing probably as the bush (Ilex?) shown here starts blooming.

These two apartments are on one deck, and they share the petunias, but have red geraniums on their own areas of entrances.

Today's quote:

 Coming to an understanding
 of karma is the basis for a very straightforward development of the wisdom
 to know whether our actions will lead to happiness and freedom,
 or to further suffering. When we understand this, it allows us to take responsibility
 for past actions with an attitude of compassion, appreciating that a particular act
 may have been unwholesome or harmful, and strongly determining
 not to repeat it. Guilt is a manifestation of condemnation, wisdom an expression
 of sensitivity and forgiveness. . 

~ Joseph Goldstein
from Cause and Effect - Reflecting on the law of karma 
printed in Tricycle


  1. ...you can never have too many flowers!

    1. You said it. But I am trying to limit the numbers of things I have to take care of...have given up the tropical fish. Just keeping plants alive, and myself, is my goal at this point!

  2. Good luck with the nose. I had one day last week when mine rant like a leaky faucet all day -- a very leaky faucet. Shauna had some claritin in her purse and bought some over to help rescue me. My goodness, I just had a most prodigious sneeze.

    1. My physician's assistant at my doctor's office was the first medical professional to ask why I took an allergy med as well as one to help me have more fluid, easily coughed out, mucous...so I stopped the allergy med (which was to dry tings up). Maybe that has something to do with the lack of sensory input.

  3. Replies
    1. I do enjoy them...especially those other people care for!

  4. I like the different azaleas in one bush,

    1. It may be something that just happened! Kind of fun.

  5. Love seeing the Towhee there and all the blooming flowering beauty.

    1. Me too, thanks for letting me know how you feel!

  6. My brother and mom have allergies, but I'm thankful I don't. It's a shame that the two bushes don't match better.

    1. At least one of my sons gets allergy shots regularly, but I've stopped doing so, since it didn't make that much difference for me.

  7. Hello,
    Love the Towhee, they have pretty colors. The Azaleas and petunias are beautiful. I have year round allergies, the pollen is awful. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. So sorry that you suffer from pollen allergies, as I know you like to be outside. I hope you can enjoy some walks with plenty of tissue at hand!

  8. Purple petunias will be pretty all summer if they don't get too leggy.

    1. They do tend to just grow out longer and longer. Maybe I can figure out a way to get them to grow wide instead of long.

  9. WOW! What gorgeous azaleas, Barbara! I miss them. The deer would feast on them if I tried to grow them here. I also love the purple petunias. I've learned that they like a trim now and then to keep flowering.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.