Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, May 14, 2021

Some Iris and the greening of the mountains


Here the green is almost to the top of the mountain...and it was almost Mothers Day...both signs that we've passed our last possible frost for this winter. But we actually had frost warnings yesterday...4 days after Mother's Day! I covered all the plants on the front porch, and brought in the two on the balcony to enjoy impatients inside!

A delicate looking Azalea, I think.

Looking north to the Blue Ridge, across the golf course.

I'm pleased that the iPhone 12 can handle the shades of yellow much better than my 7 could.

The gas crisis has somewhat abated. But I must also mention the fact that the ransom of millions of dollars was paid to the hackers. Though the President of the US commented about the need to be patient as gas slowly arrives in the 5-6 states that were most affected, this smacks of supporting terrorists who hacked a US company. Guess who will end up paying that ransom in the long run.

I also recently experienced watching Greta Thunberg in 3 PBS shows which impels me to mention her dedication to speaking about climate crisis. The 3rd show ended with her having seen the effective use of scientific tools, supported by government and funding to combat the COVID pandemic...and that the same methods can be used on the climate crisis if people will only see it and want to do something about it.

Today's quote:
According to String Theory, what appears to be empty space is actually a tumultuous ocean of strings vibrating at the precise frequencies that create the 4 dimensions you and I call height, width, depth and time.
—Roy H. Williams


  1. ...the yellow iris sure is bright and beautiful.

    1. I don't think I ever saw a whole bed of them before.

  2. I was wondering how the gas crisis played out. I wonder if the perpetrators will ever be caught and tried. For one thing, who knows where they live.

    1. And what country made the law that they broke by hacking Colonial Pipeline? I just found out today the gas was already gone by 10 o'clock in the morning where my friend works. She didn't know when it would be delivered again.

  3. Hello,

    The iris is beautiful, a cheery color. The azalea is pretty. We are having a chilly spring, we have wait till June to put out our summer annuals. Take care, have a happy weekend!

    1. I uncovered the annuals yesterday morning and hung the planters again...and threw the sheet that had protected them over the trash basket to dry out. I doubt that we'd had a frost, but wanted to save my $30 worth of new plants in case.

  4. I love seeing the green mountains there, and the flowers are so lovely.

    1. These are soft old mountains that stay green until fall, and then we get to celebrate beautiful fall foliage colors.

  5. Another blogger showed a photo of people filling garbage bags with gas! How absolutely crazy. I don't know what to think about the payment to the ransomware guys. Lots of other entities have faced that too and had to pay to end it. I just hope that if paid it somehow means that those who track this have a better sense of how to shut it down in the future.

    1. Me too, everything you said! We the customers will be paying higher gas prices in order to off-set the payment. Our gas was 2.79 when it was cut off, and now it goes for 2.99, when they have it.

  6. Beautiful photos of the flowers and mountains. My favorite is looking north to the Blue Ridge.

    1. I think I'll make that one into a header photo. The more I look at it the more I enjoy it. I hope after this gas shortage I can again drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway.

  7. Suddenly Chrome is labeling all my blogspot sites as dangerous. Excuse me? We've been looking at each other's sites and commenting on them for years. Why on earth start deciding these are dangerous? Anyone new? I have dealt with lots of sites looking at my blogs in various questionable countries. But hey, I want to see the regular people still! And I still plan on publishing a daily blog. Tell me how to turn off this Chrome "dangerous" stuff!

  8. What a view to the mountains! Gorgeous.


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