Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, May 28, 2021

Marty's birthday

My oldest son's birthday is today. He's 57 years old. I am so proud of him. I will just share a few shots through the years.

Marty was born in Texas.

My  dad and 6 month old Marty!

Marty and  "Snakie" around 3-4 years old

Marty and little brother Tai

Marty and his own two little ones, Will and Cayenne.

 Marty and brother Russ

Marty and his own "little ones." The young lady shown here has just graduated college.

Marty and Barbara's wedding

Marty went to Cuba

Marty and Barb's wedding vase (made by yours truly)

Marty and Will at Seminole Casino for Christmas dinner

Me and son, Marty

May you live happily ever after...dear son Marty.

And hi to Sepia Saturday again...sharing this blog with that meme!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for being up in the wee hours...or maybe not since when Eastern Daylight Savings Time says 3:00 am, it may be normal hours where you are. Maybe?

    2. No, I'm Eastern time. Just woke up in the night and was awake awhile, so decided to check some blogs.

  2. Happy birthday to your son Marty!

    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Eileen. Same to you for wishes for a great weekend!

  3. ...Happy Birthday and many more to come.

    1. Thanks Tom...good of you to send your wishes also.

  4. Congrats to Marty from the Great White North where it almost went down the freezing last night -- at the end of May! What whacky weather, from heat wave to figidity.

    1. Oh no! Marty is currently staying in St. Petersburg FL, and he said he forgot his hat, but brought lots of sun block. He would laugh if he knew how cold you were.

  5. Such wonderful photos! Happy happy birthday to your son Marty!!

    1. Thanks...I selected some of the same favorites, and maybe some new onew

  6. Happy Birthday to Marty! It's fun to go through old photos and remember those times and how much we've learned and grown over the years.

    1. I talked with Marty on his birthday and he does remember the plastic snake...but much later than that photo. I at least can identify the furniture in the background where my parents lived.

  7. Happy Birthday to Marty. Time sure flies, doesn't it?

    1. Thanks...I know what you mean, since I'm just 39 myself!

  8. Happy birthday to Marty. We're proud mums, whatever age our offspring reach.

    1. Yes indeed. I'm very proud of the life Marty has had.

  9. I think we start to realize we are getting old when our kids turn fifty! It has happened to me too.

  10. Replies
    1. Good definition for this travel down memory lane!

  11. Congratulations, Marty, and to your mom too! It must be fun to arrange your son's photos since for once you hardly need to research his family tree, and can put them all in proper chronological order!

    1. Yes indeed, it is fun...plus I do this every year!

  12. Happy Birthday to your son! My youngest daughter's birthday was also Friday. She turned 30. We have much to celebrate!

    1. Oh that's great, and I have so many memories. I do enjoy learning how Marty's own memories are different from mine!

  13. Happy Birthday to Marty. I had to laugh at "Snakey" - the same creative naming my grandbaboo shows in naming her stuffed sloth - Slothy.

    1. Yes, but you haven't seen the one tiny stuffed doll, which was a little black and white bear. It could well have been a panda. But it's name ended up being Baboon I think.

  14. Happy Birthday to our son Marty! And what a great present from you -- a series of wonderful photos capturing his life through the years.

  15. Wonderful pix of your son through the ages. My son had a snake like your son's. He called it a "snee" because at the time, he couldn't say the word "snake" and the name stuck. :) I love your blog photo at the top. I'd want to be out on that little island! It looks so cooling and right now that would be such a lovely thing what with temps, here, climbing high into the 90s lately! Bleah.


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