Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, May 24, 2021

At the Tailgate Market 5/15 & 5/22/21


This was the second week of the season, and the first Saturday morning after the state gave announcements (as did the whole country) that we didn't have to wear masks outdoors if we'd been vaccinated. I enjoyed walking around bare faced that day. A lot of my friends kept masks on though.

The Mud Buddies were back showing their beautiful wares. They didn't have them out last year because of the Pandemic.

I signed a petition for our Black Mountain library branch to remain in town, rather than merging with the Swannanoa library branch as part of Buncombe County's new plan...which would mean a new facility rather than renovations at either or both of the old well used buildings. Our Friends of the Library are also selling some used books here.

Amelia and Bette are smiling at me (they said so!)  Bette has been making jewelry with beads...nice pieces each week. She says she does them to exercise her hands. 

Cathy is smiling at me too, showing her pottery with its cheerful colors.

Amelia has a new style of pottery with this warm yellow matt glaze...I bought a bowl last week from her!

This is the new nursery school that was built last year...but I only went to the market once last summer with the pandemic limitations.

Today's Quote:

It is when we are confronted with...poignant reminders of mortality that we become most aware of the strangeness and wonder of our brief life on Earth.



  1. Hello,

    The tailgate market looks great, I like all the pottery. We have been told if we are vaccinated we can go maskless, we still wear it inside some stores. I feel safer outside. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

    1. I forgot my mask as I went into a grocery store today, and decided against going back and getting it. It's a well ventilated spacious store...I would have gone back if it had been small such that I would have to share the air with other folks.

  2. ...I'm still wearing a mask.

    1. As I just mentioned to Eileen's comment, I went maskless in a big store today, but wouldn't do such in a smaller space.

  3. So many posts about life returning to normal today. It's nice to see.

    1. I am happy to hear of it, and finally it doesn't seem to mean a lot of folks will catch COVID.

  4. First time I've heard the term tailgate market. Same as craft fair, or flea market I would guess.

    1. Actually the Tailgate Market is more of a farmer's market set up, with local produce, soaps, plants, and a few crafts.

  5. How great to go to the market, period! I've never been strict about masks outside unless there are crowds or I'm in New York.

    1. Good thinking...I love the idea of supporting local farmers...but I'm waiting to purchase things that I usually eat...they haven't come in ripe yet...but soon!

  6. Looks like it was a wonderful day for the market there!

    1. We've certainly had some good weather this spring...but it's now in the 80s in the afternoons. Might be summer already.

  7. It's nice to see people outside enjoying life again. We wear masks inside stores but not outside. My wife gets her second pfizer shot in a couple of weeks and I get my second AtraZeneca shot in 8 weeks.

    1. That's great that you all are getting your shots. I hope you don't have any side effects. I didn't from Moderna, though a lot of people did.

  8. It sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

    1. Yes...one of the fun places to "window shop." But next week I really should go early enough to purchase a few things.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.