Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Dibs and dabs

Now for some dibs and dabs...meaning all sorts of not-so-great nor very interesting news. 

Here's my breakfast the other morning...

Yep, I ate just the apple pie filling! And then wanted something else, so had some Italian Bread toasted with heart healthy butter.

I am celebrating that my Dr. said I can stop taking the med which gives me bruises as a side effect of thinning my blood. Yay.

No, I haven't been fighting any big dogs or people!

Not very pretty, and when warmer weather comes I'll be glad to no longer have to wear long sleeves and long pants!

I got a kick out of my oldest son's Mother's Day card with Snoopy's wishes. Very similar to the birthday card I purchased for this same son!

I also recently sent a card with many little cards inside it to his daughter who just graduated from college. Oh well...it's a season of Charlie Brown's friends making fun cards to share!

I walked around Lake Tomahawk Tues...so have lots of photos of ducklings to share. Every time I got out of breath, I luckily found something to take photos of!

Today's quote:

Help me to be less fearful of the measure of time, and more fully alive in the time that simply is. Help me to live time, not just to simply use it; to breathe it in, and return it in acts of love and presence.



  1. I have always known them as cribs and drabs. And I wouldn’t just eat the pie filling. In principle, I approve of pie at breakfast although I am no sure if I’ve ever had it. I hope the bruising clears up.

    1. I am noticeably paler along my bruised arms. The pastry of that pie was terrible...let's see, it just tasted like flour.

  2. I like your dibs and dabs. Nice cards and yummy pie. Glad you're off the meds that make that bruising. Take care there!

  3. Leftover pie has always been a staple at this house and growing up too.
    Good not to worry about bruising so easily anymore.

    1. And I didn't even bump into things for a lot of those bruises, the literature says they can just appear from broken capillaries.

  4. ...I'm on blood thinners too, but I haven't reacted the way you do. Take care.

    1. I wonder why several of my friends were also on that med...and I really hated it for the whole year!

  5. I'm on blood thinners too but I don't bruise. Never knew that could be a side effect. Nice dibs and dabs, I usually call them odds and ends. :)

    1. Must be the one that I just stopped taking that caused it. I still have 14 pills to take each day...not all heart related!

  6. Dribs and drabs, bits and bobs....

    1. OK, I really don't know where I picked that up. Nice to know there are alternatives!

  7. While raising 3 sons as teens, they often ate pizza pie for breakfast. I can't quite do that. But fruit is ok for me!

  8. I'm glad you can stop that medication. And apple pie is okay... it's from the fruit group!


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